Hardtime: 100’s Challenge #151. Inheritance, G/PG, Oz/SVU, AU

Jun 06, 2009 06:24

Title: Inheritance
Author: Númenora
Rating: G/PG
Fandom: Oz/SVU
Word Count: 100
Warnings: AU, Implied Slash, un-betaed.
Disclaimers: Not mine and that sucks.

Written for
hardtime100's Challenge #151: Token of My Affection

His hand shook as he caressed the St. Dismas medal. It once helped him feel closer to a brother he barely knew; both finding the other so late. Then, Chris was gone, his life reduced to a few items in a cardboard box.

Elliot remembered going through it, removing the medal, placing the rest in the attic. He stared again at the contents. Clothes were donated, but he’d kept the rest including the medal. Placing it back amongst the other things, he closed the attic door. He no longer needed things to remember.

“Hey, Stabler--Dinner’s here!”

“Be right there, Toby.”


ch 151 token of my affection, w: numenora

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