Flash Fiction Challenge #43. Rest Stop II, NC-17. Beecher/Keller, AU

May 04, 2009 23:33

Rest Stop II
1000 Words
Warnings: AU, Rough Language, sexual situations, Unbetaed.
Disclaimer: The boys aren’t mine. :(

A/N: For Livejournal’s Hardtime: 100’s flash fiction challenge #43: Tickling Elmo. May is the Merry Month of Masturbation. This is a sequel to ‘Rest Stop.’  The description of Toby standing at the stall was inspired by trillingstar 's comment in her review of 'Rest Stop.'  Thanks for the image.  :)

He was a mess. It’d been nine days and the words ‘Close the door or lend a hand’ and devilish, twinkling eyes of blue were still plaguing his thoughts. The whole event had taken less than five minutes, but he just couldn’t seem to get past it.

He’d be in the middle of a meeting and he’d hear that voice moaning, only to be followed by intense blue eyes staring at him like they could see through to his soul. Last night, he woke up in the middle of the night sure that the man was kissing him within an inch of his life and Toby hadn’t been able to fall asleep again until he took a cold shower.

Toby’s fingers stole to his lips, caressing them as he remembered the kiss. “Why the hell didn’t I just leave when I realized what was happening?” You just stood there watching him jerk off, cumming against the wall like some bad porn flick! But, it wasn’t like bad porn. He hated to admit it, but the guy was tall, sexy and as hot as hell.

Tobias Beecher couldn’t remember the last time he found a guy attractive in a sexual sense. He wasn’t hypocritical enough to pretend he was too straight for that, because he wasn’t. He just never considered the idea of getting involved with rough trade.

What the hell are you doing back here?! No way the guy’s there and what would you do if he were? “Go home, Toby. Get the hell out of here and just go home!

“Oh, fuck it all to hell,” he swore. “I just have to see where it happened,” Toby declared as he got out of his car, walking purposely towards the restrooms at the rest stop. Taking a deep breath, Toby opened the door and looked around. He immediately went to one of the sinks and began washing his hands when he noticed a huge trucker pissing in one of the urinals.

Yeah--This was a bad idea, Beecher--A damn bad idea. Grabbing a paper towel, Toby was prepared to leave when the trucker beat him to it, exiting the restroom without washing his hands. When the man had gone and he was sure he was alone, the blond walked over to the stall where it all happened and stood staring inside. No dark-haired god pulling his pud; just a stinking toilet just a shade cleaner than the last time he saw it.

Then he felt that mouth on his again, a sexy voice telling him, ‘Thanks, stud!’--leaving Toby standing in the doorway of that stall with his mouth open. Toby looked around again and before he could change his mind, he stepped inside. Closing the door and throwing the lock, Toby leaned against same wall his blue-eyed obsession had stood. Then he was there standing before Toby; smirking beautiful lips, perfect teeth and dimples.

“Hey, stud,” ‘Blue-eyes’ drawled. “Ya miss me?”

Laughing, he pulled Toby into a passionate kiss. His tongue began exploring, mapping and claiming, making Toby’s knees tremble and his heart race. Toby’s eyes closed as his hands braced against the well-muscled chest, fingers gripping white cotton as the kiss deepened.

Next he knew, hands were unbuckling his trousers and slipping inside. He jumped slightly as one firmly gripped his cock and the other fondled his balls, making him hard instantly. Damn, that feels good. Oh-oh-oh! Toby moaned and that sexy voice chuckled near his ear and began nibbling on his earlobe before feasting on his throat.

“You taste good, baby. I betcha taste good all over,” ‘Blue-eyes’ purred, licking Toby’s neck as his fingers moved faster over Toby’s hard flesh making the blond tremble even more. You like what I’m doing to you? I want to do much--much more.”

Then he was kissing Toby again and the blond knew he couldn’t last much longer; pressure was building inside of him as those maddening, wonderful hands continued their pleasurable assault on his cock and scrotum.

“This is it, stud. Can you cum for me? Come on, baby--Cum for me right now!”

Then, Toby was doing just that. His breath came in short bursts as he climaxed. Toby threw back his head and he groaned deep in his throat. “That’s it, baby. That’s it,” ‘Blue-eyes’ crooned to him.

Toby tried catching his breath and his heartbeat slowed. He felt light-headed, so he slowly opened his eyes until everything came back into focus, the black pupil returning to normal size in the sky-blue irises.

“Where…?” Oh, no. He was alone. Damn! Tobias couldn’t believe this. He’d just jerked off in a public restroom. He was standing with his dick in his hands, staring as his sperm made its way down the stall wall just as his dream-lover’s spunk had nine days ago. This was too much, Toby thought. Fuck!

Listening, Toby prayed he was still alone. When he was sure all was quiet, he yanked open the stall door. Quickly washing his hands, he did a mad dash out of the restroom, startling an elderly traveler headed his way. The sprint to his car was a blur. Once inside the vehicle, he gripped the steering wheel, laying his forehead on it.

His heart was pounding hard in his chest. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before. When he was finally together, Toby started up his ignition and pulled away from the rest stop and headed home. He never noticed the handsome, dark-haired man with a sexy smirk on his face. Chris quickly scribbled down Toby’s license plate number. Shoving the paper in his back pocket, he went inside of the restroom and open the stall he used the first time he’d laid eyes on his blond stud.

Laughing out loud, Chris Keller ran his fingers through the sticky substance on the stall wall. He instinctually knew who it belonged to and he vowed to track the man down.

“One day real soon, you’ll be mine, stud. All mine.”

flashfic ch 043 tickling elmo, w: numenora, flashfiction

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