May 09, 2003 21:41
It was hella-hard to get this down to 108 words. Oh well, better luck next time.
He couldn't go back to sleep now. So instead he gripped Keller's hand, willing him to fall into sleep's forgiving arms. But sleep wouldn't come easy for Chris that night. A pained expression creased his features, his sleep-soaked mumblings as crazed as one would expect from a man who'd literally been to hell and back. Beecher continued to coo and soothe with empty words like he had with his children. But the monster under Keller's bed couldn't be explained away with a flashlight's beam.
So, Beecher watched and waited, fervently hoping that, if he couldn't get Keller through this life, he could at least get him through tonight.
w: serialkeller,
ch 006 free-for-all