ADMIN: Pondering some changes

Aug 12, 2007 10:22

Well, I had been hoping it wouldn't come to this, but it does seem time to face the inevitable fact that I am fairly well out of ideas for prompts/challenges here.

Now, were this still the B/K centric comm it started live as, things would be much easier. Even though I'm not writing fic anymore, I can still produce B/K plotbunnies at a moment's notice. Trying to scrounge up something inclusive of everything Oz, however, is a lot harder and I'm just about out of steam.

So, here are some proposals.

1. The current schedule of a monthly flash fic challenge + two drabble challenges per month could be scrapped in favor of simply a monthly challenge. Coming up with twelve prompts a year might prove a bit easier. (There would, of course, have to be a decision on if that single monthly challenge would be restricted to 100 word drabbles, or what, exactly.)

2. If someone out there thinks they can come up with twelve flash fic challenges + 24 drabble challenges a year, please step forward and I will hand over the reins. Think about it really, really hard, though. It's not as easy as it may look.

3. Or, there could be a rotation. You volunteer to issue challenges, I make a list, and tap you on the shoulder when your month comes around.

Give it some thought and give me some feedback on this. I'd like to have the new system set and ready to go by next month.

Thanks to everyone who participates here, whether in the writing or the feedback to the authors, and thanks to maverick4oz for creating the comm in the first place and trusting me with it so long.

y: admin

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