HT100 Flashfic #28 - This is another fine myth

Mar 31, 2007 20:31

Title: Sacrifices Made
Author: Blackchaps
Myth: Prometheus and Fire
Rating: Adult
Words: 1135
Unbetaed - written in one hour


"Do not do this another day!" Tobias had walked for months, climbed the highest mountain, to find this exact place. He'd paid dearly, in family, in friends, and in the coin that he'd hated paying the most - his own sanity.

"I will lie here for an eternity. Fuck him and fuck Olympia!"

Tobias slid down the side of the rock and searched his satchel from a lost bread crust. There was nothing. It had been a lost hope, like what had brought him here. "Your defiance serves no purpose. You're just being stupid."

Prometheus raised his head. "They're coming soon. I suggest you go away. The blood splatters."

"Stubborn fool." Tobias struggled up, exhaustion taking him. He'd come so far and the arguments he'd mustered now seemed ridiculous so he cast them aside. The sun beat down hard on their heads and he slumped. "Please. For me. Leave this rock."

"Tobias, I gave you a great gift, knowing that it was forbidden. My damn choice!" Prometheus's skin was glistening in the afternoon sun. The chains stretched him tight against the rock, and Tobias only wanted to make the suffering less.

"Take it fucking back! We'll think of something else!" Tobias put his head against Prometheus's chest. "Please."

Prometheus sighed. "We were nothing more than lovers. Get over it!"

"You said you loved me!"

Birds circled, cawing, and Tobias looked up desperately. A big one swooped down, narrowly missing him, claws extending, aching for blood.


Tobias ran. He staggered and he fell, but he didn't go far enough to miss the screams and cries of the man who'd loved him above all others, especially himself. They tore at him, shredding him into pieces. He crawled into the shade of a rock and held his knees to his chest. It went on forever, and he had to cover his ears before it was over. When he finally dared to look, his own cry rivaled the screams he'd heard. His lover was nothing but a bloody shell, limbs slack and eyes wide with pain.

"You stupid fucker!" Rage drove him from the protection of the shade, and he scooped up a rock to throw at the last bird. "Stupid! Stupid! I never asked for this!"

But he'd been given it, and it hurt. Fuck, it hurt. Everything he'd given up to get here was nothing compared to the sacrifice of his lover. He fell to his knees, rocking from the pain and horror of what had been done and what would be done again, every day until eternity stopped.

"My love wasn't worth this," he said softly.

The sun went down and still he sat by the rock, unable to leave but hating to stay. It was cold, miserable, but complaining about it wasn't possible with Prometheus's dead eyes upon him. It was thirst that finally drove him off the mountain, and he felt only guilt as he drank from a small stream and found some tubers to chew. He must have slept, but he didn't remember it as he climbed the rocks again to greet the sun. Apollo and his chariot started their journey, and he didn't salute him. The Gods could all kiss his ass.

"Tobias, haven't you learned a fucking thing! Go home! Find another wife and begin again!"

Tobias fell to his knees by Prometheus's face and kissed him. "That would not be honoring your sacrifice. Not to mention, I didn't walk this whole damn way to go home the next day!"

"Gods, you're an ass."

Tobias showered kisses on him and gave him a bit of water to drink. "You're asking too much of me. I'm not insane like you."

Prometheus began to laugh. "That will be hard to argue about later." His laughter at his coming death made Tobias weep. Prometheus rattled his chains. "For fuck's sake, Tobias, shut up! This isn't about you!"

"I'd have rather lived my entire life in darkness and eaten raw meat than one day without you." Tobias kissed him again and again, stroking the stretched muscles. "Why didn't you ask me if I wanted this?"

"Because you're no good at accepting gifts," Prometheus growled. "Go home, Tobias."

Tobias hated this, hated him, hated all the Gods. "Was my love enough for you?"

Prometheus shut his eyes. "I die every day for you. You."

"I'd have rather you lived for me, but I'm an ungrateful bastard." Tobias ran his hands over his lover's chest. "How long will you do this?"

"Until your children's children's children have forgotten me." Prometheus thrust his hips up. "I have missed you."

Tobias rubbed his forehead and sighed. "I can tell. Is your father so horny?"

"Worse. Titans will fuck sheep." Prometheus chuckled. "My brother, Atlas, often-"

"Stop," Tobias said with a laugh, clapping his hand over his lover's mouth. "Cristoforus Prometheus, I love you. I will find a way."

Prometheus rolled his eyes and head. "Tobias, you were never good with an argument. Don't cheapen my sacrifice with your pleas."

Tobias stroked his hands down and aroused him to a fever pitch easily. Prometheus was often compared to a goat.

"Tobias, your mouth would be taken as a great favor!"

Tobias sucked him hard, enjoying the length and breadth and feasting on him.

"Much fucking better than a damn vulture." Prometheus groaned and Tobias cast himself on him. Their groans and moans mingled as Apollo made his way across the sky. The vultures wouldn't wait and they both knew it. Prometheus kissed him gently. "Now go. Do not punish yourself further."

"Oh, fuck you." Tobias slid down into the shade but kept his hand on him. "Will you die again?"

"And again." Prometheus hadn't changed his mind. He loved too much and Tobias hated him for it. They exchanged a long look as the birds began to circle. Tobias knelt by him.

"If this never ends, I will be here all of my days, " he vowed. "I will not forget you."

Prometheus reached for him and Tobias met the grasping hand with his own. "Do not make me suffer your life. Mine will be harsh enough."

Tobias shook his head blindly and ran as the birds came in droves. More of them than the day before, perhaps Zeus was watching and hated them both. He ran until his legs collapsed under him.

"Fuck you, Zeus," Tobias whispered his defiance. He'd be back. That was his sacrifice and he'd make it gladly.

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