HT100 Flash Fic Challenge #21: I've Got a Secret

Nov 28, 2006 13:24

I've Got a Secret
by Blackchaps
1700 words, give or take a paragraph
This is what I did yesterday, instead of Oz Magi. Could someone please throw a shoe at me?


"What the fuck is that?"

"Nothing." Toby put the packet under his mattress. That was the worst damn place in this fuckhole to hide things. He might as count it as stolen - whatever the fuck it was.

Chris tried to stare it out of him, but Toby just went to piss. "I‛ll look after lights out."

"Touch it and I‛ll shank you." Toby didn‛t look at him, but he sounded serious. Chris wasn‛t fucking impressed, but he could wait until Toby wasn‛t around. Toby suddenly gave that grin that always gave him the chills. "And I won‛t wait until we‛re alone."

"Fuck me." Chris shoved the door hard and went out on the quad. He didn‛t give a fuck what it was, and if he wanted to look, he would. Toby wasn‛t fucking tough. Chris rubbed his back and spotted his old pal, Vern, leaving with the mail cart. He rushed to catch up. "Anything for me?"

Vern snorted. "Right. Your mom wrote you from beyond the grave." He laughed. "Or maybe you think Bonnie gives a shit?"

Chris wanted to bitch slap the Nazi fucker but the hack was right there. He had one more shot. "I‛ll just share with Beecher. So fuck you."

"Like I‛d give Bitcher mail." Vern laughed and shoved his way past. "Stupid fuck. You never get any smarter."

Chris strutted off like he‛d won that round, but he knew he was a loser. Toby was in front of the television, and he didn‛t even turn around. He was leaning close to some new fucker, who was gonna find himself dead any minute now.

"Keller, you want in on the pool?"

"What the fuck are you mouthing off about?" Chris glanced at O‛Reily once and then back to Toby. O‛Reily stepped too close, and Chris glared at him. "Who‛s the new meat?"

O‛Reily smiled and raised his eyebrows. "You want in?"

"How much?" Chris never had squat, but he‛d worry about that later.

"Two bucks gets you an hour and a location." O‛Reily‛s eyes darted to the new guy. "One more and you get to pick fucked or dead."

Chris knew he was being played now. "Fuck you, Irish bastard."

"Ah, fuck, Keller. I know you‛re gonna whack him for that." O‛Reily laughed. "We could make hundreds."

"Fuck off." Chris strolled to a chair behind Toby and slumped down. Smacking him on the back of the head was a damn good idea, but he wanted fucked later, and he was already pushing his luck. He tried to kill the new guy with his eyes, but neither of them noticed. He was so dead.

Toby glanced back. "Shouldn‛t you be at work?"

Chris got up and went for a kiss. Toby ducked it easily, and Chris would have sworn that there was laughter. He slapped, but the new fucker moved enough to take the sting out. One of the hacks came at him, and Chris raised his hands as he went towards the arch. Oh fuck yeah, that asshole was fucking dead.


"You got it?"

"Fork it over."

Toby did it fast and snatched the envelope. "Don‛t sit by me again."

"I like blonds."

"Don‛t even fucking think it. This is business."


Chris dropped his tray and sat down next to him. "You fucking me over?"

Toby ate a damn nugget. "What the fuck is your problem?"

"Who the fuck is he?" Chris wanted answers. Right fucking now. "Tell me or I‛ll ask him before I snap his neck."

"Shut the fuck up." Toby kept on eating - the prick. Chris forced his fists to become hands and ate his dinner. He had that shitty feeling in his guts that he always got right before someone told him to fuck off. Someone that he loved. Toby suddenly reached for him. "For once, could you trust me?"

Chris‛s brain ground to a halt as Toby touched him on the hand. "Ain‛t about you."

"Yes, it is, Chris." Toby slid his hand away. "Just one time."

Chris surged up and threw his tray on the floor. He hated this shit, and he hated Vern‛s slight smirk. He also hated that Toby didn‛t come after him. Toby wanted to damn much. He didn‛t understand how life twisted it all around until it wasn‛t about trust. It was about opportunity and what fuckers did with it.

"Losing your boyfriend already?" Vern made a kissing noise. "And that new guy is one of mine."

Chris was afraid that he looked stunned. "One of your prags?"

"Stupid. Stupid." Vern laughed. "One of my bulls. Transferred here from Attica. He‛s going to take Tobias in hand. Once a Nazi prag, always a Nazi prag."

Chris heard his teeth crack. "Toby would never," he snapped.

"Tobias is a slut." Vern grinned. "I thought I taught you better." He turned on his heel and left with Robson, who was wiggling his tongue. Chris punched the wall. He was always the one left with nothing. When he turned, he saw O‛Reily give him a thumbs up.

"Motherfuck!" Chris wasn‛t going to wait for a closet. Toby didn‛t know what the fuck he was doing.


Toby made sure he hadn‛t been followed. "Watch out for Keller. Vern‛s using him."

"He even looks at me, and we‛re done."

"No. I‛ll talk to him." Toby checked over his shoulder. "Is he believing it?"

"So far. You may have to put out."

"Fuck that. I‛ll ride this train as far as I can, but we ain‛t going there." Toby glared. "Gotta go." He hurried off, but his neck prickled, and he knew he was on borrowed time.


"Kill him yet?" O‛Reily grinned. "I got customers that want to know."

"Fuck off." Chris spotted Toby instantly, and he looked guilty as hell. "Where is he?"

"Ask Toby." O‛Reily walked away fast. Chris growled from frustration and turned away. He was gonna have to kill someone and he was starting to be less picky about who.

"Hey, Chris. Wanta play cards?"

Chris got to his feet fast. "So, now you want to play?" He got so close they could‛ve kissed. "Toby, you being a damn fool again?"

Toby turned white. "Please. Trust me. Let it all ride."

"Fuck that!" Chris shoved him down and went to kill. He figured the gym was his best shot, but Mineo stopped him, and it was time for fucking count, and he could see the fucker on the upper deck. Smiling down at Toby. It didn‛t matter one shit that Toby wasn‛t looking back.

Chris took his spot in line and cocked his finger up at him. Toby pulled Chris‛s arm down fast. "Stop acting six years old!"

"Stop acting like a fucking prag!"

"Girlfriends, get in your damn pod!"

Toby and Chris turned to face the common enemy and slowly back into their pod. The hack slapped his palm with his stick. "Stay the fuck away from each other."

"Got it," Toby said. He would. Chris nearly bitch slapped him back out the door. Toby went as far away as possible, and Chris shoved the bunks hard. Toby leaned against the wall. "You just can‛t fucking do it, can you?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Chris went to the glass, slapped it hard, and then turned to face him.

Toby sighed heavily. "You can‛t trust me. You never will."

"I trust you. I don‛t trust all the fuckers in here who want to shove their dicks up your ass!" Chris smiled. He had to because on the inside he was breaking apart. "You don‛t seem to understand prison!"

"I understand it pretty damn well. I‛m trying to work something here, and I need you to butt the fuck out." Toby glared now, and he did look pissed. "Get angry all you want, but do not touch him. In fact, it‛ll work for me if you do get pissed and rant and rave like the asshole you are."

Chris stopped the next curse words that he nearly yelled. He thought back to Vern. "Vern thinks he has you again."

"I know."

"What the fuck are you getting out of this fucked up deal?" Chris asked the question softly now and strode over until he was close, but far enough away that the fucking hack couldn‛t complain. "Tell me."

Toby shrugged. "What‛s the one thing I don‛t get?"

Chris sucked in a quick breath as it all clicked into place. "Toby, one of them will kill you."

"Not today and probably not tomorrow. Fucker wants to put his ass on the line for money, well, I got no problem with that." Toby‛s shoulders drooped. "Just, don‛t kill him."

"How long you think you can run this scam?" Chris edged closer. Toby was so damn sexy when he was a scheming motherfucker. He shrugged and went to piss. Chris gave him some room, going to their locker and finding some porn. Naked girls always calmed him down.

Toby washed his hands and then went to stare out the door. "I wish you trusted me," he said softly.

Chris wished that words didn‛t hurt worse than shanks. "It‛s Vern I don‛t trust." He noticed that Toby said nothing, just crawling up on his bunk. He‛d be down later. Chris hoped. They could talk some more and work it out. Maybe. He should lie and apologize, but it stuck in his throat. "No one ever trusts me with their secrets."

Toby said more nothing, and Chris was sure he‛d fucked up again. That‛s who he was, and one of these days, he‛d screw it so bad that Toby wouldn‛t let him fix it. He should get over it now. Walk away now.

"Love you, Chris."

Chris couldn‛t help the smile that took over his face. "Love you, Toby." He opened his magazine. No reason to rush out and kill the fucker. Toby could run his scam, and Chris would help, and then, later, they might take care of him. Toby was smart. He‛d know how to play it. Chris reached in his pants and pulled his dick up straight. "Love you so much," he whispered.

End, maybe, not sure

w: blackchaps, flashfic ch 021 secret, flashfiction

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