HT100 Challenge #89: Turning over a new leaf

Jan 11, 2006 09:12

Yes, I'm back after all, and the challenge is an easy one this time: Canon or AU, an Ozzie resolving to make a change. Can be a New Year's resolution but doesn't have to be. Could simply be someone taking stock of their life so far. Also, what one Ozzie might regard as a change for the better, another might view very differently.

Not sure when maverick4oz is going to post a new flash fic challenge here (you might have noticed she's a tad busy elsewhere right now *g*), so for the time being, if the fancy strikes, go back through the previous challenges and see if you're prompted to put words to paper and share with the rest of us. It would be really nice to keep the surge of the oz_magi output going in this little corner of fandom.

Happy writing.

ch 089 turning over a new leaf, y: challenge prompts

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