We all got up early that morning to help cleanup the hall and take down all the decorations. Or I should say everybody else did while I roamed around aimless desperately trying to wake up enough to function. Morning Person I am not.
The after the clean up and breakfast we all went and explored Dragon Cave.
Photo Patrick Brehm
I just noticed that super creepy thing standing just to the right of my freind Amber.
Oustide of the cave. Photo Patrick Brehm
Inside looking out Photo Rocky
Another by Rocky
We were going to have a drum circle and play in the cave all night, but we got ratted out to the parks department shortly after this was taken and we had to leave.
Photo Patrick Brehm
Lunch at Denny's all 20somthing of us at once. We all looked like crap from hiking and no one cared ;)
After regrouping for getting kicked out of the cave we took over a Pavalion by the hotels and partied into the wee hours of the morning.
Photo Patrick Brehm
Loki breathed some fire
Photo Patrick Brehm
FyreByrd danced with Fire
Photo Patrick Brehm
The rest of the night is a blur of Homemade meade and oaths and boosts.