Dec 26, 2004 14:32
so its 2:32 on sunday afternoon
so after i updated yesterday, i talked to kayla on the phone for a few hours, then she had to go, so then i sat around, and then i went up to blockbuster and rented napoleon dynamite and the manchurian candidate, and then i came home and watched the manchurian candidate, and it was really good, so then i just sat around some more, then at like 9::30, kim wanted me to come over to exchange gifts and stuff, so i went over there, then we hung out for alil bit and talked, then we exchanged gifts
i got a size 52 pair of panties...hahaha
some breast peddles, and they make it so people cant tell when your nipping..haha..inside joke
then i got dodgeball, and some american eagle boxers, (which im wearing rite now) and she wrote me a letter
and yea, then we did that and opened our presents and such, and then we just hung out, and then i showed her a card trick and we just talked, then at like 10:40 i went outside and then we hugged and said goodbye, then she ran back inside and got me some raspberry sorbet, and then we said goodbye again and she jumped in the car and wouldn't let me leave, and then i left, and i drove home, and got online, and kayla was online, then she called me, and we talked for a few hours, then i went to sleep
then i woke up this morning, around 10ish, and i sat around and got online, then i went up to best buy with my brother cuz i wanted to get a cell phone, but theres only a few that you can get for prepaid, and there was a few flip phones, a slider, some cheap ones, and a camera phone, but i dont really like flip phones, and the regular ones were too big, and then i was thinkin about gettin the slider, but the guy said the regular flip phone was better, so yea, there were some other ones, but you cant just buy prepaid cards for those ones, you have to have a credit or debit card, so yea
then we walked around the store some more, and my brother bought a game, so then we left and i didn't buy the phone, then i came home, and jump roped 5000 times, and then i ran up to kilo and ran 3 miles, then i ran one more lap, then i came home, ate some lunch, took a shower, and yea
i feel really good, cuz i havent ran or jump roped in a few days, and yea me and kayla were gonna hang out and exchange presents and such, but she has to shop and wrap my presents, and do some stuff with her family, so she doesn't know when were gonna be able to hang out, and kim asked me to go to gary and maralee's house, from 3:30 to 6:30, and since kayla will most likely still be shopping, i decided to go, so after that im gonna hang out with kayla
so thats all
its 2:45, i wanna go run up to best buy and buy a phone, but i dont know which one to get! i wanna get one like my old one, but none of those can work with the prepaid plan, so i can only choose from a slider or a flip phone with are both 100 bucks, and then theres a flip camera phone, but i dont really like flip phones..grr, so i mite just get the slider, but the guy said there not that good, and then there were also some cheap regular ones, but they were kinda big, and i want something small
GOD FREAKIN &$%#*@&$%
thats all