OOC; On pairings.

Jan 14, 2010 19:25

Since I currently play John in a sex biased RP, I feel it's necessary to talk about 'ships and pairings.

Personally, I don't have an OTP for Big Boss. For me, there are just too many good choices of people to pair him with. I don't want to lock myself into just one. If a pairing can be presented realistically and logically, I'm all for it. There are some pairings I like more than others(Big Boss/Ocelot/EVA is up near the top) but when I'm playing Big Boss... I let him tell me where to go. I'll follow his thought process to where ever it may lead me. That's not to say I don't influence what type of person he may end up with. I mean, I have a mental list of traits he's most attracted to. I based that list off of canon, intuition and educated guesses.

When I decided to app Big Boss, I honestly didn't think I would ever get castmates. So, I try not to deal in absolutes. As much as I may want him paired with character X or Y or 0, I'm not going to hold my breath and wait for them to be apped. I don't like begging for castmates. Either people want to play with me or they don't. (This is probably a by-product of playing Daniel Jackson and never having a Jack to play off of. With that fandom, as much as I may want some Jack/Daniel... there are no good Jacks willing to play it in a sex RP. Ah, Such is life.)

To sum it up, I'm open to any pairing. Present it in a reasonable fashion and I'll be all over it like a cheap date.

ooc thoughts, ooc

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