The moral bankruptcy of government is confirmed

May 06, 2009 00:45

It was big news when Pennsylvania "moderate" Arlen Specter switched from fascism (GOP) to socialism (Democratic Party) a little while back: why? Who cares? Specter is a life-long criminal parasite with no integrity and whose certainly no "moderate" when it comes to the destruction of liberty. But check out this quote the moron uttered on Tuesday:

"There's still time for the Minnesota courts to do justice and declare Norm Coleman the winner."

Norm Coleman, of course, is the Israel-first neocon Repugnican who lost to Israel-first left-neocon Demoncrat Al Franken in Minnesota's U.S. Senate race; though in taking a page from George W. Bush, Coleman thinks he can beat his opponent by just constantly claiming that he won -- like Bush did to Gore.

But see, Specter switched from the "right" to the "left" -- and now Coleman didn't really win the race. Interesting how Specter's switch of gang allegiance changed who won the race in his eyes, right? Here's what he said:

"In the swirl of moving from one caucus to another, I have to get used to my new teammates. I'm ordinarily pretty correct in what I say. I've made a career of being precise. I conclusively misspoke ... I'm looking for more Democratic members. Nothing personal."

So it doesn't matter who really won: Specter wants more representation for his gang. Law be damned. Reality is what we say it is!

Is there a single Republican who thinks Franken won or vice versa?

I remember meeting a Republican Realtor in 2001 who was outraged that all of his fellow Republicans couldn't admit what was plainly obvious: Gore won the fucking election. Men like that are a rare breed and are NEVER in the halls of Congress (with one exception, of course). The state is evil. Reject it.

arlen specter

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