Jan 16, 2005 14:34
Friday was tight dawg, went to Celebration Station with Aly for Alexi's birthday..then went home with Stacey, Gabby, Lauren, Brian and Aly and hung out at Stacey's house. Aly and I were supposed to go to my dads house and he said he didn't think I wanted to go so thats why I went out with my friends. I started crying. I cant believe he would think that.
Last night went to Rocky. With Aly. Supposed to go with Stacey and Brian, but they ditched us. I had a feeling they would. Anyways, when we got there, I was talking with Mike and Jaime, and then moved on to Tyler and Lee for a second. Met Lee's girlfriend, she seems nice. Lee showed us his car, it was really nice too, he took us around the block thing. He went really fast which was sooo much fun. Then after, talked to more people. Someone threw a peice of toast at me and it got stuck to my jacket..so uncool!!! Aly kept laughing..I didn't find it all that funny. Hmph! Andy gave us a ride home and he played incubus for me. I was like sweet dood. Got some sweet musica. It was nice seeing everyone. haha Dave goes "Im getting old" and I asked how old is was and he goes " Too old, and your too young " and I go " In 3 years I wont be " ..yey.
Im glad we went. I got coned in the butt. hehe. Next weekend will be fun, Aly's mom is going with her friends. I also wore my glasses to Rocky. I cant believe I did that.
Man, Im pretty damn cold. Im drinking mountain dew..mm..delicious. Im also watching this movie on Lifetime. About a cop who gets these phone calls and solves all these murder cases with woman trying to get pregnant. She know's who's the killer and she cant get a warrant. He keeps killing them because, one woman was a lesbian, one was a teenager, and one who had 2 divorces. Well, the doctor is going after the cops son, and he kidnaps her and ties her up and starts a fire. It's a good movie.
Im about to hit up that Wal-mart with my mom. We have to get a few things. My garage door wont open. heh, it sucks. Lauren and I are the only ones with the keys to the house. oh well.
My cat Aiden is licking the chair..all my cats do that..lick unusual things..like Whiskers, she gets on my computer desk and licks the monitor..or the books on it. She licks the desk too. It's weird.
Oh, I get a new cellphone and I get contacts. IM happy. Really happy. I didn't wake up until 12:30 this afternoon. I was so tired. I haven't been sleeping good lately..I've been sick. My throat hurts a little still and my nose is stuffy. I keep waking up last night and trying to get more air. It was also, really cold last night. Like, my jaw was shaking. My friend Mike at Rocky..just stood outside with no jacket trying to tell me it wasn't cold. I was like yeah..okay.
Alright, doods I need to go. Peace