May 08, 2005 03:02
Well, Friday was basically my last day of school. I do have 2 finals to take , but that's no big deal. I am so relieved it's over with. This semester was crazzzzzzzzzy. I hardly slept.. and when I did sleep it was for about 4 hours a night.
I got drunk Friday night. It was an excellent way to celebrate the end of the semester. It was my friends Megan, Jessye B., Bruce, Steve, Michael, Jordan and I... Everyone was pretty okay except me and Megan. She passed out.. and threw up.. but I was alright, just really drunk and flirty. I was told I did NOT make an ass out of my self, so that's a good thing haha. I'm always afraid I'm going to act obnoxious when I drink so I try really hard to cool my behavior. I am flirty and talkative.. but only to a certain degree. I start to think I'm acting stupid so I stop talking.. and then everyone thinks theres something wrong with me. It's been a while since I got drunk drunk ( not counting last night ) and I'm not always up to it, sure it's fun to get a strong buzz or whatever but to get DRUNK DRUNK sucks. I had the worst hangover saturday morning and thats weird because I hardly EVER get hangovers... I usually feel really tired and thats it, but this time was different. I swore off alcohol.. lol, yea till next week! haha j/k
I watched two movies with my suite mates and Ryan tonight. Shredders ( i think ) and cube. Shredders was really LAME, and Steve from Full House was in it. Cube was pretty cool.. one of those movies where you have to think, and makes you think a lot afterward. It was good for the most part... there were some lame parts, of course,but you'll have that.. I mean, it's a "scary" movie were talking about.. a low budged scary's supposed to be stupid.
hmm.. what else, what else???
I can really go for some chinese food. I'd kill for some. :( Why can't there be a 24 hour chinese place that delivers anywhere around this area????? Wouldn't that be awesome? They would make so much business that it'd be ridiculous.
I can't wait to find out if I got anything into the student art show. I kinda have this feeling that this semester might be the one. I have some good photography going in ( at least I think it's good.. others told me they really liked it, but we'll have to wait and see ) and I'm going to submit my mask and other stuff that I made in ceramics too. I'm not really sure what I'm going to submit yet because a lot of my stuff is being fired still, but hopefully the glazes will come out nice and I can turn something in.. and get a decent grade. :fingers crossed:
for all you keystone live journal members.. even if you're not part of the live journal community, but read this lj thing anyways.. Jamie Davis 20th birthday is on Sunday. So, wish her a happy birthday bitches! Oh,and Steves 21 Birthday was on Saturday. So wish him a Happy Belated Birthday.
that is all
Good bye