Mar 06, 2005 00:03
I should be writing my ceramic term paper, but I'm not. I'm tired , and writing term papers suck.
eww I saw Todd at the steamtown mall on Friday. I'm not lying when I say I'm psychic because I said I had a feeling I was going to see him, and what happened everyone??? I saw him. Gross. And in case anyone knows who he is, he looks the same as before. His unibrow is back, he smells like rotten cheese, he wears bandanas and/or that stupid hat w/ the flames on it, etc etc. I guess he's not in jail for being a druggie loser anymore.
I went to the e.r. today. I'm fine, but I went with my friend and she has tonselitis. :( I was there for 3 hours. booooooooooooooo
I'm going to be a bad girl and develop my pictures at eckard instead of school tomorrow,haha. I'm only getting the negatives back, I'm not actually going to make prints,so I don't think I have anything to worry about. It's not like I plan on doing this from now on, and this is probably going to be the only time I do it, so, why not? This one girl I know used to do it all the time last semester, and she said the teacher didn't find out. WISH ME LUCK!