(no subject)

May 02, 2005 21:26

. Slept in your bed: me... i normally dont let anyone else sleep in it
. Saw you cry: courtney
. You shared a drink with: stephen
. You went to the movies with: oh god i dont know... its been forever... it actually might have been rick, brian and amy
. You went to the mall with: my sistaaa
. Yelled at you: ethan
. Sent you an email: myself

. California: yup
. Hawaii: nope
. Canada: nope

. Danced naked: in the shower
. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened: sorta.. not exactly.. theres more to it
. Had an imaginary friend: yeah, most of them were tangable :)
. Do you have a crush on someone: no ... well ya but he doesnt exist yet
. What book are you reading now: portrait of an artist as a young man

. Worst feeling in the world: unwanted
. Future son's name: not having one
. Future daughter's name:not having one
. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: yes
. What's under your bed: drawers
. Favorite sport to watch:badminton, shuffle board.. etc
. Siblings: courtney and nick
. Location: soon to be tempe
. College plans: SCC then off to california.. fucking scary
. Piercings/tattoos: tattoos.. 2, peircings.. 5
. Do you drink: hah, yes
. Who is your best friend: mah sista, and erin.. and myself
. What are you most scared of: drowning, llamas, and feet
. What clothes do you sleep in: underwear
. Where do you want to get married: dont
. Who do you really hate: alotta people.... alot of people... wow i dont think i relized how many until now
. Been in Love: shhh
. Do you drive: yah. billy joe
. Do you have a job: yah
. Do you like being around people: depends who
. Are you for world peace: no
. Are you a health freak: not so much
. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: hah ya
. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: no?
. Want someone you don't have right now: want yes, but sometimes i dont
. Are you lonely right now: if you only knew...
. Song that’s stuck in your head a lot: that kelly clarkson song.. since you been gone and breathing without you and blah blah blah blah
. Do you want to get married: no.
. If you were stranded on a deserted island who would you be stuck with and why: music
. Type of music: anything that makes me feel... something
. Band/Group(s): too many
. Perfume or cologne: i dont know
. Month: december
. Flower: i dont know bob

. Cried: yah
. Bought something: ya
. Met someone new: yah i work at a restaurant.. of course
. Missed someone: do everyday in fact.. every damn day
. hugged someone: yah
. Kissed someone: nope
. Became shy around someone: naw
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