The morning after theatrical_muse 300 words

Jan 18, 2007 16:50

Name:Michael Jacob-Francis
fandom: Original Character
Topic: The morning after
Word count : 175
[ooc--All posts are for player not character knowledge only - not for your character to use in game -unless agreed upon- which is ok because all replies to challenges are meta ]

Michael had a pounding headache and it felt as if he had been out drinking all night. It was anything but that, it was his second professional bout last night and he got totally hosed. No if, and, or buts about it, he got the snot beat out of him - but it was a good fight! It was a close one and by the last round, they both looked and felt like hamburger.

Just as the sweet symphony of aching eyelids, sore muscles, and tender knuckles couldn’t get any worse, the phone rang.

“Maggie, voice lower…please. Thanks. No, lost it, but I gave it my best shot, I always do. Of course, I look like a wreck. When does your plane touch down? Ok hold on …8pm, no wait, 8 am …want mom and dad there? Ok, just me. But swear you are going to go visit them before the weekend is through. …Maggie, swear … ok, good see you then.”

Well, his workout-training schedule was shot to hell, for this morning anyway. He had planned to do a full workout, but a stern look from his trainer last night in warning, made him think twice. The morning after a fight, he could afford to rest, he said, but Michael protested. He stretched out at least and did a yoga routine, which was playing on the sports channel. He had to do something.

He couldn’t just waste a morning relaxing, but maybe Maggie’s call was a sign to do just that. Yes, after he got back, it was back to bed and nothing but movies and light snacks. That, along with the Ibuprofen and muscle pain gel, by tomorrow, he should at least be feeling up to work - even if he didn’t look like a top model for a little while.

tm, current_age, 25, atlantic_city

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