Blueprints 005: Mushrooms and nightmares

Nov 19, 2011 15:28

(Engie is not usually a fan of mushrooms, and he usually will not eat them, especially the weird looking ones that have just popped up everywhere in Mayfield. However he doesn't notice that one of his drone kids have slipped one into the stew he was cooking for lunch that day.)

A. Action: 1450 Mitchell Road
(Anyone who's around the house, or even nearby, will hear a long scream erupting from the place. A few seconds later, and there's even some gun shots as well as more shrieks. Care to check out what's going on?)

B. Phone
Anyone!? Is anyone there!? I...I need someone!! Please, I beg ya!! My, no!! Stay away!!!

(The receiver falls down onto the ground but whoever who's listening can hear the sound of tables and chairs being overturned. There's also some gunshots as well, and more pleading and crying from the Texan as he begs for clemency one time, before switching to an insane laugh, and then back to a sobbing mess as he cries for mercy.)

I'll be good dad.

There's one more gunshot, before the phone goes dead.)

phone, mayfield, shroomfield, house, event, mitchell road

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