(no subject)

Oct 21, 2013 03:54

I guess this is sort of a dual housekeeping/"I'm not dead" post. I've given my profile page a bit of an update, since it seems I last touched it roughly 4 years ago judging by my age on there. It basically says "I'm not a dead LJ account, and I'm here every day hoping that there's something new to read." I've also connected my twitter account to here, so from today on there'll be some crosstalk between the two. Any tweets of mine should get published to here, and likewise any posts I make on here should get tweeted out over there. Yay technology. EDIT: Well ok, I guess it won't tweet notifications of new posts on here, because it just disconnected itself when it tried to post this one without a subject, and I rarely enter subjects. But tweets should wind up over here, hopefully.

I know LiveJournal feels kind of dead...well ok, maybe more than just "kind of." Most of the people on my friends list haven't posted in years, and if you recall my last entry, which was in July, where I said I was going to poke a few of those now silent accounts and see if any of them wake up and post again, I got a grand total of one response, and it might have been coincidental anyways. I hate it when people just kind of vanish without ever saying anything, and so consider this profile update and this post, and I guess the post before it, sort of my statement that I am still here, and I do pay attention, and if you write something, I will read it, and might even comment on it. I really miss that LiveJournal from pre-2009 or so when there was a wave of mass bannings and deletions based on certain adult interests listed on profiles. Somehow I escaped that fate, because I was into those sort of things, and chances are you might be as well if you're reading this.

Anyways, I'm not going anywhere without saying so first, and if I do seem to be drifting away, it probably won't be for long.

live journal, internet, observations

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