Apr 21, 2006 23:47
I wasn't planning on mentioning this on here, since it really sounds like a bit of attention whoring because you just know people will leave notes about it expressing condolences and whatever so please don't feel like you need to do so, but it prompted today what I really wanted to write about. My grandmother died 2 weeks ago, and I wrote quite a lot about it in my other LJ. I spent 6 days in Nebraska visiting family and doing the whole funeral thing, again writing about it as it was going on. I'm sure you're thinking "uh, ok, what does this have to do with the usual entries you make, Hardguy?" Well, remember the last entry I made, the girl I talked about there? Well she contacted me on one of the entries. It was a real brief comment. Just a "I'm sorry to hear that" kind of thing from her. She even remarked that she never sees me on AIM, which isn't surprising since I'm usually on AIM an average of about 2 hours a year. It's not like I'm actively hiding from her or anybody else, that's what blocking is for, I just don't ever turn it on is all.
After I read her comment, I went on AIM right away to see if she was there, and as usual she wasn't. Up until this point, I had no idea she even was looking for me anymore. I didn't even know if I was on her list still given how long it's been. It just really made me feel sad that I've been missing out on talking with her these last few years. I mean, you know if somebody were to write the Hardguy dictionary, you'd find her name and picture under the words "best friend" because if nothing else, that's who she was to me. In any event, I guess it's just nice to know that she's still out there and even comes by my LJ once in a while to see what's going on in my life even if nobody else seems to care (and judging by the average number of comments I get on my entries there, nobody does).