Apr 27, 2004 03:35
"i can't believe that your still single and your 23, thats sad"
That's what I got told today from somebody that I'm sure I talked to at sometime in the past, or read their OD, but I just can't match their e-mail address to any of my chat logs or favorites. Anyways, if you'd like to make yourself feel better by calling my relationship status "sad" go right ahead. Well, actually don't go right ahead, since you're the first person I've ever blocked on MSN. Congrats to you!
Ok, really people, is it that messed up that I was eyeing that girl the other day? Yeah, I'm like 8 years older than her (sweet crap, am I really that old?), but what guy of any age (well, probably not those under 12) wouldn't stop and check out a nice package like her? Guys look. I am a guy, so I'm gonna look. I give all of you my permission to freak out when I decide to touch and tell about it here, but until then, deal with it. :P
Today was another nice day here. It got as high as 91 in some places. That, combined with my downloading and watching the new Sopranos episodes started giving me flashbacks to the summer 4 years ago. The summer where I was absolutly at my lowest point ever emotionally. I don't recall exactly how much I may have written in here about that time, but I'm still getting over some of the emotional scars it gave me. True, most of them were probably self inflicted because the ideal little world I had cherished in my mind was a stark contrast to reality, but part of me still wants to blame her. Part of me still wants to hate her for how she made me feel. For how she just stopped caring when it suited her. I'd like to think that I can step back and look at this objectivly, accept fault where it's due to me, but I think it'll always be a little tainted when viewed through my eyes.
6:15 AM 4/26/04