Mar 02, 2005 22:22
So lately i've noticed that there has been alot of drama going on. Personally i feel left out of the mix, so i figure i'll start some. Not that i really have a reason to complain about anything because my life is going in a very positive direction, with my sweet minorty scholarship and fantastics girlfriend. so here we go.... People are lame! expecially imature people, like Nazi's.. WTF is up with them, i mean come on you think your better than everyone... YOU LOST THE WAR!!! fools.... and Paris Hilton, we all know you are hott why don't you just stop all this trying to be a bad girl thing! Psshhhh Dr. Robotnick from "sonic" you are fat, how about you lose some weight. and JEWS!!!! ..... .... .. ok that last one was a joke, if i were any religion besides catholic it would be jewish, alot like the rest of this post. The point is for everyone to quit being lame and dramatic, just shut up and don't talk to eachother if you have a problem, seriously get over it... everyone has bad qualities along with the good.
Much love