
May 09, 2007 16:46

Man, I'm starting to think that I have an unhealthy love of being busy. I have three patent drafts currently in progress, one of which NEEDS to be filed by Friday, the other of which MUST be filed by Monday and the last of which I absolutely HAVE to send to the client by no later than Friday. Instead of feeling clammy and stressed out I'm hugely excited and pumped up because I have three interesting drafts for completely different areas of technology all to work on at once. Mmmmmmmm, good times! In general, I like juggling priorities and keeping everything above water but in this case what these three projects boil down to is writing and I do dearly love to write. Playing around with words, expressing complex ideas, communicating things either as vaguely or explicitly as humanly possible, depending on the circumstances. Wrestling with subtleties and nuances all in a tremendous lovely hurry. It's at times like this that I really love my job. Which I should really get back to.

woooo!, work, patents

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