Can you mosh with the hardcore kids? WELL CAN YA?!

Dec 25, 2004 02:59

basics ..
name:: Marguerite
age:: 17
location:: Seattle, Wa
birthday:: July 13, 1987
gender:: Nonspecific…I mean female!
sexual preference:: Nonspecific :D

opinions ..
bush:: Douche
kerry:: Not as douche as the above but still…When people try to tell me getting the nation to go Democrat will save it, I want to tell them to shove it. Neither Bush, nor Kerry, nor any Republican or Democrat has any idea how to salvage this place. We are past our prime and Kerry is not a fountain of youth.
war:: Tolstoy said something to the affect of those who have not smelt gun power do not know the horror of war (more or less, in Russian, you get the picture). I believe this is true, but from what I can see of it I think it is a completely unnecessary irrational invention. We try to teach our little kindergarteners that violence is not a solution, why is violence not a solution on the playground but perfectly acceptable on a massively destructive scale?
religion:: My money’s on the Buddhists.
drugs:: I dabble, because human consciousness is not interesting enough sometimes.
smoking:: I don’t smoke anymore except while drinking, but I get more irate with the people that fake cough around smokers and do the whole “second hand smoke kills” bit than I do around smokers. The extra year or two that might by some off chance have been shaved off your life by smoke floating in the air around you is nothing compared to what pollution and that cheese burger are doing to you. Get a sense of relevancy, please.
drinking:: How can I saw this with out sounding like an alcoholic? Well, I can’t, so I’m just going to say it. Drinking is delicious, drinking is escapism, drinking is dangerous and I know it but I’m going to continue doing it because being 17 and alive is boring.
piercings:: I like the relative impermanence of piercings. I like the spiritual connection that some people get from it, but I abhor the turn for the worse it’s taken. I got my navel pierced at 14 and, looking back on it, yeah, that was pretty pathetic. I was yearning for a way to be different, and hadn’t quite come to the realization that thinking differently is more important than looking different.
tattoos:: Tonight, I got lectured by my godmother’s plastic surgeon boyfriend on tattoos. “It may be cool when you’re 20, but when you’re 50 you’re going to regret it!” Thank you for telling me not only how what I’m going to be like in 30 years, but my own motives for wanting a tattoo. I want to be more than human, I want my body to be art. Michael Angelo, eat your heart out.
abortion:: At 17, I don’t yet believe I have the life experiences to understand why someone would get an aborting, or why they wouldn’t. So I am on the fence. All I can say is there are thousands of couples waiting years for adoptions, and millions of fetuses killed every year. Seems like a waste, no matter when you believe ‘life’ begins.
Suicide:: Remember, kiddies, it’s down the street, not across! :D Seriously? Okay. I’m glad to be alive, even though I view life as hopelessly futile. Alive you are a masterpiece of evolution, dead you’re just recycling. Life is worth it and with the uncertainties that surround death, probably more of a viable option.
Pre-marital sex:: Oh baby, oh baby. I don’t believe in marriage as a cultural institution, though I just may be forced to get one someday to legally protect my partner and myself. But obviously, that means I don’t give a fuck about getting married before I give up my v-card.
Gay Marriage:: I’m sorry, did the President say we need to protect the sacredness of marriage? Has he looked at divorce rates lately? Spousal abuse? Anything? Sacred my ass.

favorites ..
color(s):: Orange
movie(s):: House of Fools and uh. I’m really not a movie buff, sorry.
tv show(s):: I have seen every episode of Family Guy to date. I am nerd. Hear me roar.
book(s):: C.S. Lewis’ Of Other Worlds- Essays and Stories, Milan Kundera’s The Unbearable Lightness of Being, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and my English 12 ‘textbook’ Readings for Writers, a publication by Jo Ray McCuen and Anthony C. Winkler, includes works from countless authors on critical thinking issues and the subject of writing, specifically essay writing (hogosh I do love essays. I kid you not)
song(s):: The Amazing Rhythm Aces’ “Living in a World Unknown”, The Aquabat’s “Super Rad”, “A Song to Pass the Time” by Bright Eyes, Placebo “Special K”, and The Ruby Doe’s “Tonight (You’ll Get It Right)”
I actually think all that is pretty revealing
album(s):: Elliot Smith ‘XO;, Red Hot Chili Peppers ‘Blood Sugar Sex Magic’ (hands down beautiful display of raw talent and emotion), Pretty Girls Make Graves ‘The New Romance’, and I’m keeping this one short because I’m actually very critical of albums in their entirety and few really get me.
store(s):: 2nd Time Around- my local second hand music store
candy:: homygod anything grape!
food:: Delicious cheesy nachos
beverage:: Bawls
video game:: Ah ha, ah ha, ah hum. Halo.
video game system:: I confess, I actually only play Halo, so naturally XBOX, but uh, fuck you Microsoft, and fuck you Bill Gates, and fuck the man!
noise:: My piano
month:: February because of the way it’s spelled
holiday:: National Coming Out Day :D Seriously? New Years. I don’t see it as a new beginning or anything. I just appreciate the opportunity to get soused with my loving friends.
day of week:: Thursday, it’s my Friday.
ice Cream Flavor:: Lemon Sorbet or Blackberry
Instrument:: Upright bass/classical guitar/percussive
pick up line:: ”Hi, I’m Margi, nice to fuck you…I mean meet you!”
five+ favorite bands:: Ah fuck.
The Amazing Rhythm Aces, The Catheters, Muse, Deadless Muss, Alexisonfire, MSI, The Ruby Doe, Jet City Fix
three+ least favorite bands:: Blonde Redhead, Chumbawamba, Live
one band you'd recommend and why:: Galneryus is a Japanese speed-metal band with some somewhat Egrish lyrics. No matter how hard they try to sound menacing, they’re just.too.Japanese. But there are nonetheless awesome. I am forever amazed by the technique of every member; the overall skill level is phenomenal. And they have some hardcore piano solos. Their music is epically themed, a romantic battle between good and evil (just like everything else Japanese, I think they’re obsessed with the concept).
I can upload some songs from them for anyone who is interesting.

Randomness ..
how'd you find our community? Well, it’s 2am on Christmas Eve, excuse me, it’s technically Christmas, and since this holiday depresses and bores me I’m doing non-holiday related things. Like surfing LJ, and finding your community.
did you get referred? n/a
by whom? n/a
where did you promote us at? (yeah, I’m hardcore, a hardcore nerd), and
if you became a prostitute, how much do you think you would cost? A bag of skittles?
if you ran out of heroine, assuming you are an addict, would you stoop to snorting smarties? But… I live in Seattle, one of the best cities in the world to get black tar heroine…! And at that point, I’d probably snort the smarties then realize what I just did and check myself into rehab.
a clerk in the butcher shop is 5' 10'' tall. what does he weigh? 180lb.
how many two cent stamps are there in a dozen? Twelve, unless you’re a baker.
If accepted, which banner would you like (1, 2, or 3)? 1 kthxbye!

post at least two pictures of your sexy self!

and for good measure...

I hope you appreciate that my completed application was three pages long in MSWord. Would you like a novel next time? I'm like Pringles, once you pop, I just don't shut the fuck up. Merry Christmas, beetches.
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