Mar 11, 2004 07:06
Using Film Titles....Spell yo' name!
J - Jersey Girl
U - U-571
S - Schindler's List
T - Tombstone
I - IT
N - Neverending Story
B - Brides of Blood
I - Invasion of the Body Snatchers
L - Le Locataire
L - L.A. Confidential
A - Army of Darkness
N - Nosferatu
T - The Tell-Tale Heart
I - Innocents, The i went all out and did my whole name...ah happens...anyhow not much has gone on....found out yesterday that i got the job at Dow Chemical so that fuckin at wilsons is a joke...our manager is bi-polar...and i want to destroy alot of the people that work there...not hurt, or harm, but fucking destroy....yes its that bad topic is still cool we shall see what goes on with this dow job in the basket now...we have a show this hopefully everyone shows will be nice, we have lots of shows comming up so thats good as well....well my mom is buggin at me to take her to i guess i will try and update this later....i get paid today so that means i need to get some DVDs!!! and maybe something else? ah iono its funny since i have 2 jobs now and i actually make some money...its cool tho...i gotta pay off my cellphone biggie...anyways...gotta run...and i will update soon. nicknames...just Justin.
Leave a comment if ya feel like it...if ya dont wanna...then be a dick...haha.