Dec 29, 2005 01:25
Wow It's been awhile since I've posted. A LOT has happened in the past few weeks. Well, not really but some REALLY important things...
and the thing is I can't really remember any of those things before last Wednesday. All I remember is that the last week of school was hectic and I didn't get a lot of sleep nor did I work a whole lot, which is why my check was only $142 this time. But I am making $6.50 now and Sami says that gradually cooks will go up in pay and car hops are going down. Cooks will be making probably $7.00, so I'm happy. I'm also happy for other reasons too. For instance...HAPPY ANIVERSERY TO ME! lol yea....1 week. It's not long but we're happy.
Yes...he asked me out. I was so happy that I almost cried. Yea so it was last Wednesday and Candace, him and I all went to Islands of Adventure because we had tickets. FREE ONES! lol Actually I ended up having to pay for 1 of them but that is way too complicated to type. But we had a great time! It was both of my best friends/1 best friend and a sister but whatever, same thing. We held hands throughout the day and Candy bought us lunch at Mythos *a restaurant there* It was awesome. Then on the way home we held hands some more and then he kissed me. I probably blushed. We were headed to April's Christmas party, which was great fun also. We played a sort of made up game that is mixed between spin the bottle and truth or dare. Its great. A person thinks of a dare and then spins the bottle and whoever it lands on they have to perform the dare. Its great fun. I was so exhausted but Derek wouldn't let me fall asleep b/c he "had to tell me something". So when I took him home he was like "so about that thing I wanted to tell you. well, more like ask you." and then he asked me if I would go out with him and of course I said yes. So we kissed good night and I drove off all exited. soo....I CALLED CANDACE! lol she was happy. I was happy...and I still am. so yea.
But before all this, the last day of school I came home after hanging out with Derek and packed to go to Disney! We stayed the weekend at a Disney hotel and then Saturday we went to Islands of Adventure *which is where we got the free tickets* That was so flippin fun. Family time is great! And then Sunday we packed and then went to visit my gay father that left us for California. lol Then I went to Candy's b-day party and went to see Narnia! I loved that movie! It was awesome! And so was the party. Then that Friday, Derek and I went and saw Fun with Dick and Jane at the new movie theater. It was cool. I randomly saw Nikki there and we head butted. It hurt so bad. She thought she was bleeding and I ended up with a bruise. lol we get so crazy when we see each other. I heart her. Christmas eve was good. We went to Nana's house for "dinner" and then went to Church for the service. Then CHRISTMAS! It was awesome, of course and I got a crap load of cool clothes! and some other random yet very cool things. *Hope everyone elses Christmas was as good as mine* Oh and then yesterday...I went shopping with my Aunt, Jess, Tiff, and Sissy. We went to Belk's at the new mall and I bought a really cute outfit. I then went to work and then after work I met up with the girls and Candy at Barnett Park. Then after that we went to Wal*Mart to meet Vince and Lance. and Derek and Larson came up to meet me. We hung out for a bit and then went home because Larson had to check on his doggie. But it's been a great 2 to 3 weeks and I'm happy. And this Friday, hopefully, Derek, me, Thea, and Corey will be able to do something. Maybe a double date type thing. Yea but its late and I'm tried so I'm going to bed. Goodnight all and I'll *hopefully* post later on this week...if not then maybe next week. Have a Happy New Year!