so cheap and juicy!

May 01, 2010 14:44

I just woke up. my sleep schedule is all messed up from finals! I'm eating an orange rn for the first time in a couple of weeks. The last orange I had was kind of gross. it wasn't sweet at all and it wasn't juicy. This orange is the best thing I've eaten in so long. it's just soo good. riveting tale, I know.

I'm thinking about getting a tattoo over summer. It'll be my first tattoo! Tori showed me this tattoo and I'd like something similar

Her quote is in Malayalam, I might not be able to get it in the same language, but I'm going to try my best. I wouldn't get it colored. I don't think a color tattoo would work on my skin tone
I'm debating between getting it in these areas

I'm definitely going to use the quote "art never seems to make me peaceful or pure" my Willem de Kooning. I feel like that describes me perfectly. Hopefully I can make this happen over summer. I'm going back to fort lauderdale for summer. I leave in a week. can't wait! =)
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