Welcome to our page-a-mod! We want our community to be more open, effective and friendly for all members. To make sure this happens, we have this post. This is an alternative to LJ messaging (PMs) as well as an extension of our
faq. The page-a-mod is the most quick and easy way to contact the mods if it becomes necessary.
Before commenting, please read the
profile and the
faq for community rules.
If you ask something we have answered elsewhere, we might be a tad annoyed.
We encourage you to comment here
* if you want to ask for permission to promote something
* if you are unsure how to tag an entry
* if you don't know if your post will be allowed
* if you have a question about the community
* if you have suggestions/opinions toward the workings of the community
* if you have a question you want private (all comments are screened / visible only to mods)
Don't hesitate to ask.
The mods are here to maintain the community, yes, but we're also here to help you!
Thanks for helping us make
Hardcore Readers a better place for all of us! :)