Oct 30, 2004 18:18
i'm tired of being here already.
the majority of this city is still filled with dumb fucks.
I'm not happy here anymore.
i can think of two people that would actually be upset if i left again, and thats ray and daecos.
The only ones that have stayed by my side through everything.
I need to go back to louisiana.
i was stupid for ever leaving in the first place.
I had it so fuckin good.
some of the people that were close to me, don't even give a shit anymore.
I had someone who loved me more than anyone else had, and i fucked it up.
i don't understand myself sometimes.
I'm tired of long distance relationships.
I'm sick of questioning how someone feels about me.
I'm sick of having reasons to question it.
I'm fed up with people and their dishonesty, even mine.
i'm tired of being weak.
And most of all... i'm sick of the internet.
I need human interaction.
I think everyone just needs to open their eyes and their hearts.