So This Is the New Year and I Don't Feel Any Different

Jan 01, 2009 22:16

I don't know if this is cheap or not. I haven't updated ye olde LiveJournal in forever and now for my (self) promised great return the best I can do is a random Myspace survey?

At least its timely, right?

1) Was 2008 a good year for you?
It was up and down there for awhile but for the most part it was one of the better years of the decade.

2) What was your favorite moment of the year?
Already this quiz is turning into something that would work better as a top five list. There are 31,556,926 seconds in a year and to pick out the greatest moment would be ridiculous. There were a lot of good moments. I refuse to qualify them.

On an interesting side note this year was technically 31,556,927 seconds long. For those of you who twittered good riddance to 2008 I laugh that you had to endure it a second longer than usual.

3) What was your least favorite moment of the year?
I hated a lot of the time I spent at my former employer. I did a happy car-dance on the way home from Lakeland the day I got fired.

4) Where were you when 2008 began?
Supposedly I was at my house with a couple of friends but I remember very little from that night as we didn't make a huge deal over the holiday.

5) Who were you with?
Dan and Julia. Julia's sister Sarah, and according to Diggity my neighbor Larry was there too. The only thing I distinctly remember is defending the merits of Guitar Hero 3 to what had to have been a Vulcan.

6) Where will you be were you when 2008 ended?
In the very same living room with Dan, Jamie, and not cheap bottle of tequila. We watched Casino Royale and my favorite episode of Flight of the Conchords. We walked outside to listen to fireworks we couldn't see, and I kissed Jamie at midnight, but other than that it was just another day really.

7) Who will you be with when 2008 ends?
For the record, I'm not going to keep striking phrases to correct tense. I was with the people I just said. I should have read ahead.

8) Did you keep your new years resolution of 2008?
I don't really make resolutions. I can break promises to myself no matter what day of the year is.

9) Do you have a new years resolution for 2009?
I'm a hypocrite. Despite how I answered eight, the whole reason I am doing this survey is because I promised I would update this thing more often this year.

10) Did you fall in love in 2008?
Yeah, I guess I kinda did.

11) If yes who?

12) If yes, do they know?

13) Are you still in love with them?
Ok this is getting akward.

14) You regret it?
Jesust Christ. This is why I hate surveys. Instead of asking a question that would require an explanation and you can actually learn something about the person filling it out you get a series of yes and no questions that are boring as shit. Worse, most people just abide and respond with one word answers, and cause me to go on a meaningless rant before even getting a quarter of the way through the first one I do in months.

We went on a blind date that was set up by her mother who started working at Pods at the same time as I did and thought that we would get along. It turns out we did, and things are going well. No regrets. Sheesh.

15) Did you breakup in 2008?
Not technically. I dated people that didn't last, and I had a fairly long casual affair that had to be ended, but I don't think any of that constitutes a break up.

16) Did you make any new friends in 2008?
I made some acquaintances. Met people at work that I would hang out with outside of work, and have a neighbor who occasionally walks upstairs to smoke cigarettes and shoot the shit. Wouldn't say I made any "friends" though.

This survey is making me think I might be hard to get close to.

17) Who are your favorite “new” friends?
I guess if I had to pick it would be Ben. He works with me at Pod and calls me his best friend which is odd because we have never hung out when I wasn't on the clock really. If it weren't for the constant forwarded text messages we would have a perfect relationship.

18) What was your favorite month of 2008?
November? Started to really make money at my job with the bonuses, but could still take a lot of time off with slow phones. Things got awesomely serious with the girl. Plus...Fucking turkey baby! Turkey is the great pacifier. Screw Tryptophan. That drowsy sensation you get after eating turkey stems from the same contentedness that causes a post-coital nap.

19) Did you travel outside of the states in 2008?
I went to Brazil which was friggin' awesome. Before that I had never left the country so I traveled in style. Trip would have been perfect if not for the hours spent in a factory not being trained on the machines I was supposed to be selling.

20) How many different states and/or provinces did you travel to in 2008?
Four. California, Texas, Minnesota, Georgia. They were all work related but I made fun wherever I went. I swear there was more than that though...

21) Did you lose anybody close to you in 2008?
I don't think I was ever close to my Grandfather (see question 16) but he died of pancreatic cancer a few months ago. I'm still upset about it sometimes if only because we weren't closer.

22) Did you miss anybody in the past year?
I think I did a pretty good job of keeping in touch this year. A lot of people have left me behind and I'm ok with that. Every now and then I will think of somebody who doesn't live near me anymore and start to miss them. I go to Orlando as often as I can to avoid this feeling. Now though I miss somebody, even though I just saw them a few hours ago and will do so again on Sunday. I'm a cheeseball at times.

23) What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2008?
Man O man was this the year of the comic book movie or what? The Dark Knight, Iron Man, and Hellboy 2 are probably all on my top five favorite comic book movies of all time list and they all came out within three months of each other. I barely ventured to the theaters this year but if it came out of the funny pages I wasn't disappointed. If I had to pick a non-geek movie that came out this year, I guess it would have to be Pineapple Express. I wish my year long movie list was better maintained so I could remember what exactly I saw.

24) What was your favorite song from 2008?
Oh man my music nerd friends are going to crucify me (as if anybody has read this far) for my answers to the next few questions, but I have no clue. I tried to remember what new music I listened to this year and all the ones that were highly recommended I thought were crap. Fleet Foxes, and Vampire Weekend as far as I remember were both boring. I may have been too harsh, but I didn't get down with any new tunes this year.

25) What was your favorite record from 2008?
But if I had to pick I guess the soundtrack to Flight of the Conchords. How sad is that. Another gimmick band steals the spotlight of my musical tastes. I don't even forgive me for this.

26) How many concerts did you see in 2008?
Not a lot at all. Besides seeing stef_leopard's band a half dozen times I saw Radiohead, Gogol Bordello, and the Avett Brothers. I think that might be it...I need to get a life in 2009.

27) Did you have a favorite concert in 2008?
Suprisingly the Avett Bros probably top the list. That was a great show.

28) Did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2008?
Yeah, I always do. Maybe this year I won't be so dependent on booze. Lol just kidding.

29) Did you do a lot of drugs in 2008?
Er. Maybe. More than I did in 2007 I guess, but certainly not more than 2005.

30) Did you do anything out of character in 2008?
I committed. Its been awhile since that was the norm.

31) Did you do anything you are ashamed of this year?
I don't have regrets, but I made some decisions that were probably wrong-minded. The few instances I can think of though were really fun and had no negative consequences so I can't really complain.

33) What was the worst lie you told someone in 2008?
I don't really lie, and if I did it was probably to make somebody feel good. I probably pretended to like somebody that I was stuck hanging with even though I obviously didn't.

34) Did you treat somebody badly in 2008?
Yeah a little bit. I don't care though, I did the best I could despite the fact that they were annoying.

35) Did somebody treat you badly in 2008?
A certain Brazilian company didn't do right by me. I believe in karmic retribution though, and they'll go out of business soon enough.

36) How much money did you spend in 2008?
I think if somebody actually did the math on this, wrote a number on a piece of paper and showed it to me I would instantly vomit. I had jobs where I made good money and none of that is still in my pocket. In fact, negative money is in my pocket so the short answer would be "too much."

37) What was your proudest moment of 2008?
I haven't had much to be proud of this year. If I had to pick it would be advancing my seasoned traveler persona. I went into cities for the first time and despite this fact I could and did give other visitors directions. I love the fact that I can deplane and instantly blend in.

38) What was your most embarrassing moment of 2008?
I don't think I did anything overtly embarrassing like pooping the bed, or popping a boner in the middle of a presentation. The closest thing to embarrassed is knowing that I wasted time on a career that I hated.

39) If you could go back in time to any moment of 2008 and change something, what would it be?
Oh man I know how this works. I go back in time to make something better for myself and instead it backfires. Then when I get to the present I find out that my dad died while in a loony bin, and my mom married my Biff Tannen who has become a millionaire after finding my sports statistic book from the future. I think things are fine the way they are, Doc.

40) What are your plans for 2009?
I want to be the person I was before. Its hard work, and I'm probably not up to the task.

41)What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before?
Your mom. And as mentioned before I left the continent.

42)What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
A career I don't resent.

43)What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
October 10th. My first date with Jamie. Its funny because one second I am hard to get close to then another I sound like a co-dependent little bitch.

44)Did you suffer illness or injury?
I got real sick in February. Its notable only because I almost never get a cold or flu and this year I got it bad.

45) What was the best thing you bought?
I really love my new car but to be honest the last thing I wanted was a car payment. Stupid firetruck. My surround sound system has less remorse attached to it.

46) Whose behavior merited celebration?
I feel like I should say something political or at least socially aware here, like Obama or something. Fuck that though, everybody should be applauding me.

47) Whose behavior made you appalled and disappointed?
Your moms?

48) What did you get really, really, really excited about?
The Brazil trip kept me up in anticipation. For the most part though I get really excited about just seeing people I like.

49) What song will always remind you of 2008?
The truth of the matter is I can never associate an actual year with an event so probably none. Especially since when watching a mash-up of the top 25 best songs of the year (according to billboard) I can only identify a fifth of them, and liked even fewer.

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50) Compared to this time last year, are you:
richer or poorer? You can't have a colon and then only have one subcategory. This is a frigging trainwreck. I guess I'm a little poorer which sucks cause I actually spent less time unemployed this year.

51) What do you wish you’d done more of?
I think I used to be a writer. I don't think I wrote a single sentence this year.

52) What do you wish you’d done less of?
I wish I had slacked off less. So I guess I wish I did less less.

53) What was your favorite tv program?
Mad Men was probably at the top of the list with The Wire and Flight of the Conchords.

54) Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Just my former employers, and unfortunately this line of questioning is making it seem like I still care when I really don't.

55) What was the best book you read?
I think this was the year I started reading the Fletch books which I really enjoy. The best book I have read in years though came from this year, and that was Tom Robbins Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates. A distant second would probably be Anatomy of a Murder.

56) What was your greatest musical discovery?
I got a little obsessed with the Talking Heads and I'm totally fine with that.

57) What did you want and get?
Surround sound! Its kinda dumb though, on most network channels only the commercials are played in 5.1 lol.

58) What did you want and not get?
I wanted more things I was told were going to happen to actually come to pass. I'm glad they didn't though.

59) What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 26 and my friends threw me a nice little surprise party. Probably the best b-day I had in years.

60) What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
I contemplated some serious revenge, and I'd like to see bad things happen to a few certain people.

61) How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
Pick out my cleanest dirty shirt, and I'm on my way.

62) What kept you sane?
Not being crazy?

63) Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I couldn't pick just one celebrity female that I would want to sleep with, but I wouldn't mind a "Girls of House M.D." desktop calander

64) Who do you miss?
I could have sworn we were well passed this question. Is there no order to this damn thing.

65) Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008.
"It's not enough to bash in heads,you've got to bash in minds."
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