i just remembered

Sep 21, 2004 15:13

i had the craziest dream today .. or at least it was for being in school. well last night i had to type this huge report int he war in iraq because it was due today. i stayed up who knows how late, and finally fell asleep quite some time afterwards. in turn , like any person, i was exausted , to say the least, today. once i got into american government class the teacher started talking about the war, i was gonna go crazy since i wrote about it ALL night. i was tired to.. so i figured i put my head for what i thoguth would be a nice little nap. but i pretty much jsut passed out. . .

so i was sleeping, then this T.V. appreared and it turned on. there was this little infomercial advertising something similar to rogain, except it could make you bald, or grow your hair out. a man came on and was like the only problem wiht this is that we'll never be able to find osmama bin laden. if he uses it , this is what will happen. a pictuer os osama bin laden appread , and theg uy sprayed the stuff on his head. osamas beard, hair/turban were gone. he was bald and unregonizable. then the guy kept alking, and said that this product could help in finding the real terrorist. he put up a picture of geroge bush and psryed hte stuff on him. he grew a beard and a turban. then the guys was like this is the real terrorist. the tv flahed the word satan in red, and shut off.

then some girl behind me woke me up ..

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