(no subject)

Aug 27, 2005 22:08

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1) death_palace's eye color? Blue, of course
2) What languages does _starjuice_ speak? French and English I believe
3) Is natsumii dead sexy? Oh yes
4) Would you make out with natsumii? Nope. Sorry Selena
5) Is crying4comfort introverted or extroverted? I think a nice mix of in between
6) Have you flirted with crying4comfort? Maybe? I don't remember?
7) nic0liie's hair color? I haven't seen her in almost a year, I wouldn't know.
8) Does emusays travel a lot? Around the fall river are maybe
9) Does crying4comfort have a crush on natsumii? I doubt it.
10) Does natsumii have a dog? No, she a has very cute kitties
11) What would crying4comfort think of nic0liie? I think they like to get drunk together.
12) What video game does crying4comfort remind you of? Final Fantasay. With all the love stories.
13) What rank would emusays have in a giant robot army? Lord Trogdor
14) Is thisphotograph single? Maybe? Sara, are you single yet?
15) Where would _starjuice_ most like to visit? France? The moon?
16) Is moxieroxor in a relationship? Yes, with me
17) If nic0liie took over the world, who would be happy? Bunnies, billy, and Europe.
18) Do you have thisphotograph's screenname? Sara Anne
19) What would you do if you found out thisphotograph has a crush on you? Oh Sara, let my buy you mushroom pizza
20) What would you do if crying4comfort died? I'd be all like'I went to school with her, she gave me cookies once, I'm sad'
21) How would heatherisagirl_ kill _starjuice_? I doubt it.
22) One thing you can't stand about moxieroxor? She is way too slow at everything
23) How long would emusays dating natsumii last? Notta, Natsumii is already commited
24) If heatherisagirl_ was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Sobriety man
25) What is moxieroxor's favorite movie? The Boondock saints
26) Are _starjuice_ and moxieroxor going steady? A gay boy and a gender queer lesbian, oh it was possible, it would be cute.
27) If emusays and nic0liie were spliced together, what would it be like? Nicemette
28) What comic book character would heatherisagirl_ be? Mizz Drama Queen
29) Does moxieroxor smoke? Like a burning building
30) Thoughts on death_palace? Amanda, scuddle butt!
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