and we`re trying...

Jul 14, 2005 01:58 i probably shouldn`t be writting about all this online for a bunch of random people to read, but i hate writing this stuff on paper so i`ll just type it. [whoever wants to read it i guess will..]
ok so on Thursday [July 7] i was with Charles like all day and stuff just hanging out. we went to eat with Travis at Quiznos and then stopped at Angela`s to say hello and stuff. she had some vodka in a water bottle in her closet so she let me drink it. so i was messed up and we drove to Vinny`s to chill with him too. me, Charles, Vinny, and Travis drove to PathMark and whatever to get our ingredients for this awesome orange drink Vinny knows how to make. so we made it in Vinny`s basement and his mom figured out what we were doing so she kicked us all out. so we all hid in Vinny`s neighbor`s side yard and drank. Charles didn`t because he had to drive me and himself back to his house later that night. so me, Vinny, and Travis were really messed up. i somehow decided to hook up with Vinny and Travis. Charles said he was ok with it and whatever so i like continued hooking up with Vinny. then a lot of stuff happened between me and Charles that Trav and Vinny enjoyed. lol. then we went back to Charles`s and went to sleep. the next day Charles and me went back to my house to get ready to go to Jauxxie`s sweet 16. we talked everything out and stuff cause Charles was pretty mad, which is understandable. so everything was ok and we went to Jackie`s party and had fun and stuff. then the next days we spent together and it was fun. everything was ok. then the other day me and Charles went to the beach with Vinny and Travis. before we went, we picked up the rest of our ingredients from Vinny`s and brought it to Travis`s to make the drink. so we made the drink at Trav`s and were off to the beach. [which took like 3 hours to get there.] so we snuck the drink onto the beach and got completely messed up. all of us this time. so i somehow found it ok again to hook up with Vinny. i gave him a big hickey this time and Charles like went nuts. [which is understandable.] we fought so bad for awhile and stuff and then finally everything was ok. the ride home was very interesting/good but also very bad/awkward at the same time. we got back to Vinny`s and me and Charles got into Charles`s car to go home and Charles backed his car into the front of Vinny`s car. oh em gee..not good. so we dropped Trav off at home and me and Charles went back to his house. we got caught and his parents were really mad. he`s grounded really really bad now and i kinda got yelled at by his parents too..but i deserved so much more punishment. me and Charles sat in the hallway like all night talking. we really understand eachother so much better now. i like that we can talk about our mistakes and make everything better. he`s promised to turn his life around [finally]. everything from now on will go the way it should. no more fucking up on either of our behalves. i leave to go on the cruise in about a week. i`m excited but  i also don`t wanna go. well i need to get some sleep.. [there is a lot more that i didn`t write about because i don`t really feel like it`s anyone`s business what else happened on those days..]

we`re so awesome when we`re trashed...
Vinny: "why are French breakups the worst?"
Cait, Charles, & Travis: "i dunno...why?"
Vinny: "because they can`t understand eachother!!"

Cait: "i feel impossible.."
Charles: "Cait..that makes no sense at all.."
Cait: "shut up..of course it does..i feel fucking impossible Charles!"

Vinny: "mom!..i lost my glasses in the ocean because of Travis!"
Vinny: "mom!..can i please just get laser eye surgery?!"
Vinny: ::practically crying:: "mom!..lasers!"
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