Name: Nathan J Stevenson
Age/birthday: 18, Jan 20th, yep one week away
Location: Hell (Rochester NY)
Gender: *checks* Male
Status: Lord and Master
Sexual prefrence: Straighter than a mathematical line
++more about you++
If you had one wish, what would it be?: To commit random acts of genocide across the planet
Who has made the biggest impact on your life, and why?: Me, myself, and I. Since I'm all I've got
Describe yourself in three sentences or more: I'm an egotystical stereotypical assholish global domination engineer. I enjoy walks on the moon and shooting people with 68 caliber paintball guns. Seriously, I'm a decent guy play paintball and in general live my life as a smartass.
++Movies and Music++
Bands/Singers (10-20): How about I just post my playlist.
Http://www.geocities.com/jkrix_of_nyx/playlist.htmlMovies (5-10): Final Destination 2, Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down, Butterfly Effect, Star Wars Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars Return of the Jedi, The Punisher.
If you had to pick a theme song for your life, what would it be and why?: AFI - This time Imperfect, Cause over and over again things happen, and finally it gets to the point where its not gonna be right and you can't do anything more or say anything else.
How does music in general affect your life?: Something to listen to while I'm not doing anything else
++ Misc.++
Favorite quote (can be something you say, your friends say, or something famous): "procrastination is like masterbation... it feels good until you realize your just fucking yourself"
Which mod is your favorite, and why?: Oh dip, already causing me to choose between mods? That's never a good sign here lemme flip a coin... Kati
If the only money you had left in the world was a ten dollar bill, what would you do with it?: Go with the few friends I've had all my life and we'd go to denny's and just sit there and eat a last meal together like we always do.
What's your favorite color of all time?: Black
Cows...: tipping?
Promote us in at least 2 places (your userinfo, your journal, friends journal, communities, etc) and provide us links: Meh, can't be arsed yet gimme time
What makes you Hardcore__emo material?: I honestly have no freaken clue what makes me Emo if I even am Emo but I figured ah what the hell Kati seemed nice about it in my journal so I figured why not
What is Emo to you?: Brian the Korean :D :D :D, sorry real life reference, I'm not sure what would make up emo, probably those girls who one moment are calling you a rockstar cause they think you're so awesome then literally ten minutes later are telling you to stfu
And finally. Provide us at least 3 (clear) pictures of yourself and one of someone you believe is drop-dead-gorgeous:
http://gallery.greatestjournal.com/albums/up/457/68457/normal_IMG_1594.JPG http://gallery.greatestjournal.com/albums/userpics/68457/normal_c0nundrumbase.jpg I'm the chickne
http://gallery.greatestjournal.com/albums/userpics/68457/normal_Chicken%20and%20Guerilla.jpg Mmmm Tifa Lockheart, 3d animated goodness