Sep 11, 2006 19:41
im peeling and it is getting annoying, not this weekend but the one before that, labor day weekend i went out on the boat and got burnt and now i am peeling... lets see.... um i bought my wedding dress, veil, and shoes on friday and then went to my hunny's house and fuck. holy fuck is more like it. he let dan sleep on the futon since he is homeless and carless at the moment.. shit i want to hook tomi up with him but then after i got to know him more his habits and such maybe not but holy shit..he like sang to me lol playing his guitar... i went to the dry run of the restruant where they are working. like i was going to pass up free food and plus my hunny was excited for me to come. nice fucking place. pool darts and a stage area where different things will be going on like dueling pianos, bands playing. one of dan's bands is going to be playing and i actually asked him if he would play at my wedding. when he picked up his guitar and starting singing. i melted, yeah i almost creamed myself and then saturaday when they got home from work i was toasted lol thanks to what dan gave me and then we sat around drinking and dan was playing. he has some very good songs he wrote. oooo and he is italian lol... i sat on his magnum box of conddoms lol... am i regretting getting engaged you may ask. no not at all. seeing a nice sexy talentaed man does not in any way make me think twice about my decision. in fact i love ian even more than before. sometimes it is still so unreal. hhhhmmm i get winston this weekend and i am so fucking pysched. i am going to get her a leash so we can go walking lol, a little worried about sleeping with her but i think she will be just fine, i dont move all too much when i sleep anymore. i think i should get her, her own blanket so she doesnt get cold. hhhmmm i think that is it...yup