survey, strumpet

Apr 03, 2006 21:21

--------IN THE PAST 24HRS HAVE YOU----------
* Cried: no
* Worn jeans: yes
* Met someone: no
* Done laundry: no
* Drove a car: no
* Talked on the phone: yes
* kissed someone: nope
* Said "I love you": no

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN-------------
* Yourself: yes
* Your friends: i believe in everyone wholeheartedly
* Santa claus: i found out from buffy that he does exist and that he kills small children
* Tooth Fairy: NO
* Angels: not particulary
* Ghosts: my roommate is a ghost apparently
* UFO's: yes
* God: somewhere between yes and no... so that's yoness, right?

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE---------
* Do you ever wish you had another name? yes... i dream of being called murgatroid
* Do you like anyone? yes, lots of people
* Which one of your friends acts the most like you? i'm too original to have "friends"
* Who's the loudest: liz and jenny
* Who's the shyest: we are all shy
* Who's the weirdest? me... and other people
* Who do you hang out with the most? colleen...constantly. and sara
* What's the best feeling in the world: when class is cancelled and i know that its cancelled before i walk all the way over there. or throwing up after feeling sick for a long time.
* Worst Feeling: right before the throwing up. or being set on fire. "when you get to the end of class and the teacher says 'TIME WARP! and you have to go all the way back to the beginning and do it all over again."- Colleen
* Do you want all your friends to do this and send it back to you? NO
* What time is it now?: 7:11

1. Kissed your dog: all over
2. Ran away: no
3. slept naked: yes
4. Skipped school: yes
5. Broken someone's heart: maybe... but i didn't stick around to find out
6. Been in love: yes
7. Cried when someone died: yes
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yes
9. Done something embarrassing: all the time
10. Done something aginst your parents will: yes
11. Cried in school: yes... wow... more than i'd like to admit. recess hurts

--------WHICH IS BETTER----------
13. Coke or Pepsi: coke
14. Sprite or 7UP: sprite
15. Girls or Guys: girls for tea parties and guys for fucking
17. Scruff or Clean shaved: scruffy is hot, but hurty
18. Blondes or Brunettes: brunette or red heads
20. Tall or Short: tall
21. Pants or Shorts: pants
22. Night or Day: night and dusk and dawn

23. What do you notice first: i notice their beautiful heart
24. Last person you kissed: my mom probably
25. What color eyes do you prefer?: i don't really care

----------THE LAST TIME YOU...------------
26. Showered: this morning
27. Stepped outside: 1:20... after class
28. Cried: during an episode of buffy a couple days ago
29. Had a romantic memory: today probably

43. Makes you smile: colleen... but only because she'll hurt me if i don't. (all my friends make me smile)
44. Can make you CRY no matter what: my younger sister
45. Has A Crush On You: everyone potentially
46. Do You Have A Crush on: a professor and a boy who i was mean to once
47. Who Has it easier: white people and babies and cake decorators

--------DO YOU EVER---------
49. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call sometimes: yes, but only if i know if a call is coming
50. Save AIM convo: i used to, but that was unhealthy
52. Forward secret E-mails: no... i don't know how this is even possible
53. Wish you were someone else: maybe someone fictional
55. Wear perfume: not usually
58. Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: only if i'm writing a big paper

-------HAVE YOU EVER---------
59. Fallen for your best friend? no
60. Fallen for a siblings friend? no..but they sure fall for me... i mean my friends' sibling(s)
61. watch shooting stars? yes
62. Slept outside? oh god yes
63. Been rejected? ha ha... good one
64. Been in love? yes
65. Been in a car? yes
66. Used someone? possibly
67. Been used? i hope not
68. Cheated on someone? yes
69. Been cheated on? no
71. Done something you regret? nothing major

--------WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON...---------
72. that you saw? colleen
73. You talked to? colleen
74. You hugged? colleen... no- it was margaret
75. you instant messaged? sara
76. You got on myspace? i don't have myspace
77. You yelled at? i don't yell
78. You thought about? dan brittain... because of the cheating question
79. Who text messaged you? no one has done that for a very long time
81. Who told you they loved you? my mom

--------DO YOU?-------
82. Color your hair? no
83. Have tattoos? not yet
84. Have piercings? in my ears
85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no way jose
86. Own a webcam? no
87. Own more than 10 pairs of flip flops? what? that is not normal
88. Ever get off the computer? i get off on the computer
89. Like someone? yes
90. Hate someone? absolutely
91. have 200 dollors? yes... wait, no dollors... i have dollars

--------HAVE YOU / DO YOU / ARE YOU...---------
92. Stolen anything? yes
94. Schizophrenic? no
95. Obsessive? yes
96. Happy? yes
97. Sad? yes
98. Angry? yes
99. nerdy? yep
100. Depressed? sometimes
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