1. What time is it? 2:45 am
2. Name: abby
3. Nickname: abbs, phoebe, abbylicious lmao
4. If you were a skittle, what color would you be? taupe
5. Single or taken?: Single
6. Zodiac: scorpio
7. Hair color: blackish
8. Eye color: brown
9. Height: uhh short
10. Favorite Color: red
12. Braces?: not any more
13. Piercing/tattoos?: ears..and belly button but that died so 2/0
14. Birthplace: Bay City, MI
16. Siblings names: Holly
******HAVE YOU EVER******
17. Cut your own hair? yes
21. Skipped school?: yes
22. Bungee jumped? Nope
23. Went to a concert? yes
24. Kissed someone of the same sex not related to you? nope
25. Kiss more than two people in one day? no
26. Stared at the stars for hours? yeah
27. TP'd someone's house?: yes
28. Won something? probably
29. Asked someone out? yeah
30. Been rejected?: yes
31. Been in love? nope
32. Been to a funeral? yes
33. Used a lighter?: yes
34. Been on stage?: maybe
35. Food: food
36. Ice cream flavor: bleh
38. School subject(s): lit, psych
39. Breakfast cereal: cinnamon toast crunch
40. Number: this is lame
41. Book: i don’t have just one favorite. you idiot
42. Movie: oh i don’t know
44. Drink: water
45. State: wtf..why am i doing this haha
46. Place: in my bed asleep. jerk face
47. Sport to watch on TV: basketball/football..
48. Sport to play: pahah uh football maybe basketball
49. Bands/musicians: your mom
51. Fast food restaurant: i hate fast food now
52. Cartoon Character: stewie
53. Holiday: my birthday bitch
54. Name for a son: ... alexander
55. Name for a daughter: shaniqua. Lol. no.
******DO YOU PREFER******
56. Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate
58. Long relationships or one night stands?: oh one night stands fer sure. not
59. Dogs or cats?: dogs
60. Scary movies or comedies? both
61. Silver or gold?: silver
62 Croutons or bacon bits?: who came up with this. would you prefer a punch in the face or a pencil up your nose?
64. Hedgehog: sonic
65. School: hassle
66. Grass: you got any?
67. Cow: radish
68. Canada: degrassi lol
69. Mouse: your ugly face
70. Hand: my choice of weapon
******THE PAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU******
71. Watched a movie? yes
72. Talked on the phone?: duh
73. Cried: yes
74. Threw up? almost. my dog did though haha
75. Drank a glass of water?: yes
76. Talked to the opposite sex?: yes
77. Read a book or magazine?: Cosmo!
78. Watched TV?: um yes idiot
79. Looked in the mirror? no i tend to take a long shot and imagine how crappy i look. idiot
80. Taken a shower?: several
81. Taken a picture?: camera phone. what!
82. Listened to music?: yes
83. Kissed someone? i think i kissed my dog haha
84. Done your HW? shop for speakers..yes.
85. Told someone you loved them?: ummm yeah
***DO YOU BELIEVE IN....******
86. Heaven?: i don't know
88. Aliens?: yeah. my family
89. Fun for the entire family? : pahahah what the fuck is that.
90. Freedom of speech? yes..to an extent
91. Love?: perhaps
92. Magic?: you mean like the fairy that comes to see at night? No.
*******SOME RANDOM STUFF******
93. Last movie you saw in theatres?: Fog. Piece of fecal matter movie
94. Are you listening to music right now?: nope
95. What clothes are you wearing right now? black pj pants..black tank top..hello kitty blanket haha
96. Do you like your middle name?: sure
97. What is the best thing since sliced bread? me kicking the writer of this things ass.
98. What color is your backpack? black
99. What time is it now? 3:58 a.m
100. Do you like someone? yes