Title: Coercive Persuasion Characters: Aizen (formative), Gin (lcpdragonslayer) Timeline: 25 February 1939 Rating: PG-13 Summary: How Aizen persuaded Gin to take a desk job at his construction firm.
Ladies, that was so amazing. Wow. You both wrote that so well. Really! The dynamic between Aizen's calm, cruel indifference, and Gin's twitchy, shakey, downward spiral made this log such a gripping read.
Am loving your takes on these chars. HB's got some incredible villians.XD.
Gin's parts were amazing! I was very nervous in the beginning but a couple tags later, something clicked in my head and Aizen was suddenly there, having a Ta-daa! moment. ^_^
*loves on lcp*
Still felt like a complete arse the whole time. XD
*whistles* Is it hot in here, or was that just y'all? That was great reading, you guys.
Especially loved the bits of Aizen confronting the fact, no, he just doesn't really care if it's making his second uncomfortable as long as he's getting what he wants and what kind of person does that make him? Also Gin's breakdown was just...painful. Very well done.
Hey - your writing's awesome too! We totally need to work on the Aizen, Gin and Ulquiorra interaction. Unless Ulquiorra would like some one-on-one action with Gin? ^___^
I have to say that previously I was really a fan of either Aizen or Gin - (although I do like a bit of the duck/wave/bye-bye combo) - but having started reading your guys' stuff I am really seeing them in a different way.
you have jedi mind-tricked me. I will go home and re-think my life.
I think compared to other characters they havent had that much back kstory (until recently) so i was a bit like "oh big evil bad guys," and they wernt as 3D as maybe they could be. but i think you guys have probably noticed a lot more stuff than I had and obviously used it really well. so now im going "oh yeah, that is actually true, i didn't really notice that,"
Comments 15
Ladies, that was so amazing. Wow. You both wrote that so well. Really! The dynamic between Aizen's calm, cruel indifference, and Gin's twitchy, shakey, downward spiral made this log such a gripping read.
Am loving your takes on these chars. HB's got some incredible villians.XD.
I looove Aizen's bits in it - how he feels like he should, well, feel, but doesn't. Ling = awesome.
Thanks. <3 Always love to log some bad guys in action/behind the scenes.
Gin's parts were amazing! I was very nervous in the beginning but a couple tags later, something clicked in my head and Aizen was suddenly there, having a Ta-daa! moment. ^_^
*loves on lcp*
Still felt like a complete arse the whole time. XD
Especially loved the bits of Aizen confronting the fact, no, he just doesn't really care if it's making his second uncomfortable as long as he's getting what he wants and what kind of person does that make him? Also Gin's breakdown was just...painful. Very well done.
I mean - yeah. I love Aizen's sort of like, 'oh, I should feel guilty, and it's kinda strange I don't, but oh well.'
Thanks for reading/commenting - S'great that ya liked it, even if Gin suffered along the way. ^_^"
Really glad you liked it!
Gin needs more love and I'm so happy he's found Rangiku. ;D
Absolutely wonderful writing - you both did a superb job. I'm incredibly proud to be writing alongside you two.
I agree with lcp that more trio interaction would be great! ^_^
you have jedi mind-tricked me.
I will go home and re-think my life.
Am glad you are at least starting to appreciate them. S'always great when we get converts. >=D
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