Title: Bloody First Impressions
Characters: Gin Ichimaru (
lcpdragonslayer), Toushirou Hitsugaya (
Timeline: November 25, 1949
Rating: PG-13 - flying bullets and some inappropriate language.
Summary: NYPD busts a drug deal - Gin and Hitsugaya meet for the first time, facing off in what would definitely be considered starting off on the wrong foot.
The white-haired geniuses don't get along very well. )
Comments 6
SANKYUU VERY MAACH. yaybanzaiicon This log was so awesome to do. Both of them were like DAMMIT but for completely different reasons xD
I loved the set-up--a drug bust gone bad in the worst possible ways. You both do a great job setting the scene. I have special random love for this line: 'Nimble fingers as pale as the snow itself.' And yes, Hitsu, Ran and Momo would kill you. I still say a serrated knife is just... unnecessary pain. OuchLove that Hitsu is already irritated with Gin, just for stabbing poor Alfonso ( ... )
I'm glad that you like this log. Had the aim of them absolutely hating each other in mind when setting this log out, and it turns out quite well.
I think they'll be meeting again soon when Hitsu brings Gin in for questioning (I think we're going to be doing that log anyway) so hopefully there'll be more snark. xD
Gin doesn't mind that she's on Hitsu's side. Really.
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