“There is but one truly serious philosophical problem and that is suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy. All the rest - whether or not the world has three dimensions, whether the mind has nine or twelve categories - comes afterwards.”-- Albert Camus, "The Myth of Sisyphus
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I haven't forgotten our discussion. I haven't been busy or anything, I just haven't been thinking about it. I'm trying to take some time away from thinking about identity-driven politics and look at some of the bigger pictures, like the effects of globalism. I'm also thinking about doing a podcast.
Accusations of "racism" are nothing more than the modern equivalent to accusations of blasphemy. It isn't doing any good. Most people who cry racism over Islam are just trying to shut down conversations, they aren't trying to solve any problems, they just want the other person to shut-up. It's ridiculous. It's not like I've never experienced it before. I've been an atheist for a long time.
Can you really tell the difference between someone who is Greek, Italian, Moroccan, Algerian, Iranian, Egyptian, Portuguese, Israeli or is from
I don't believe the skin color or religion of others warps your sense of the issues and problems, but that is not a common facility. Just imagine how a lot of devout white Christians may be inclined to see these things. It is not easy to separate the rational from the irrational. Just as with 'God', I imagine you'd like to think that 'racism' should be considered relegated to some dark past, but for most people these are very live issues.
The left wing has become just as authoritarian and frightening to me as the right wing was during the Bush years.
Muslims deserve so much better than this. The people that the Islamists target deserve so much better than this.
(**Yes, I've seen Christians who rail on Islam because it's the wrong religion and this is a Christian Nation, blahblahblah, but it's rare right now. I am seeing a lot more Christians who have come to their senses about the separation of church and state - they finally understand why it is so important.)
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