Aug 06, 2016 22:07
I still struggle over the issue whether I should try to write more seriously. Lately, because of our little dialogues here, I have been wondering if I should work on a serious dialogue. However, as I cannot even fix on a subject, I come back to the old conclusion that there are so many beautiful and glorious and powerful things written that I would do better to use my time reading and hunting for quotes and ideas and simply try to amass as big and wonderful a collection of such gems as I can, and to just bask in their brilliance through my dying days, rather than vainly pretending that I can add to the world's treasures myself. Whatever writerly inclinations and ambitions I have will simply have to be exercised here, or should I say exorcised? The main problem with this answer is that it reduces one to being a spectator of life in the world, which cannot help but leave one feeling a little empty and hollow inside. One naturally wants to be a player in the game and to leave one's own mark in the memory of man.