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Jun 21, 2009 00:07


Name/Alias: Jazlyn


Character: Roger "Hardball" Brokeridge
Fandom: Avengers: The Initiative
Character age: 20
Residence: The Bronx (Norwood)
Occupation: Works at Rukia's bakery!

Reserved Character? No


Canon or AU? AR
Supernatural powers? Yes - he can make electromagnetic balls/forcefields etc. Only the (NPC) Power Broker knows, since he's the one Rog bought the powers from. At least for now!
Wikipedia [or other] link to Canon Information: hardball at wiki.

In-Game Backstory:
Roger grew up in the Bronx, right. He figures he's been pretty blessed by living-in-the-Bronx standards - you know, he's got the two story home with his momma and pop, loans not paid off but getting there, all that jazz. Things weren't always so cushy and he's proud of who he is and where he's from and he's been around the block maybe a little more than once, but he's happy, right? Graduated high school and taking a few years to figure out what to do before he goes and blows thousands of fucking dollars on an education he's not even sure he wants. But it all changes when his brother gets hurt.

Now, Paul has always wrestled. That was his thing. He was good at it too - enough to go pro, even. But it wasn't enough. The stupid motherfucker got himself messed up in some really unsavory shit and he got bigger. He got stronger. He fought some pretty mean bastards and he won, right? On top of the fucking world, this guy was. And then Rog was getting a call on his cellphone, his momma saying something that he couldn't understand (p-paul -- wrestling -- poppa's trying to get here but) until he heard her loud and clear and the words shook his world upside wrong. His brother was hurt. Probably permanently. And he was gonna need a whole lotta medical attention before he even gets to look at the inside of a ring again.

Months passed. Mom and Pop liked to pretend they were a-ok and that Paul was gonna get better any damn second and the bills kept piling up. Specialists flew in from wherever they were because this was their little boy. But it was Rog who opened the mail and heard them talking over the kitchen table in that stupid fucking whisper yelling that was less whisper and more yell about what they were going to do and the mortgage payments and everything in between. Roger knew that Paul wasn't gettin' better. He was going to waste away in that bed up there until his sorry ass died and his parents were killing themselves keeping him alive.

He loved his brother. So he bought a gun.

He couldn't do it, of course. But he did find out how his brother had gotten so big - so strong, like, superhuman - and this power broker guy -- well, he wasn't gonna be so lucky. So Rog made the trip down there, right. He yelled his piece and then the guy runs his mouth, some ego stroking of his own and stuff about how damn powerful he was. Then, he starts talking about how Roger can have anything he ever dreamed off. Pay off his parents loans. Be special. And all he wanted was 30% of everything he got.

Rog took the bait and the guy worked his magic. Hurt like hell - Rog kinda figured falling into a vat of toxic waste woulda been more economical and less painful but when it stopped... he felt this energy. From his head to his toes, right under his skin. The guy smiles all freaky, right, because he knows something Rog doesn't. Then Rog flexes his hands and they spark to life; red orbs circling them, pulsating with electrical energy and fuck, it's cool.

So that's his story. He does whatever work the Power Broker sends his way and he's doing pretty good. No one has to know. At least for now.


Set I.

If you could kill any living person in the world, who would you kill? My brother. I mean it, too. I love him but he's no good to himself on this world anymore, you know? He's done. He fucked up and he knows it - he don't need to suffer anymore.
If you could be on one TV reality show, which would it be? Big Brother, dude! I would fucking own at that shit. All the ladies would be eatin' out of the palm of my hand.
Do you believe in God? I guess so. In that kinda way where you believe some of the stuff your momma tells you - like, we're all the greatest motherfucking bastards on the planet according to our moms, yeah? But we all can't be the greatest bastards, 'cause there can only be one greatest anything, even bastards - you know it ain't true but sometimes you gotta believe it to keep you sane.
Would you rather learn everything there is to know, or experience everything there is to experience? Experience. Just 'cause I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna hafta learn something doing all that crazy shit eventually.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Heh. Bitch, I'm already Superman.
If you were on the Titanic and there was only room for one person on your lifeboat, would you save your mother or your best friend? Aw, hell. I'll always be a momma's boy at heart.

Set II.

Describe the worst thing you’ve ever done. I pointed a gun at my brother's head. I -- I know that he woulda been better off. Hell, anyone could look at the poor fucker and tell you that. But he's family. There are things that you shouldn't ever do, even with some real good intentions. My momma woulda been devastated - Pop too. They're pretty much the only people who don't see that he'd be better off dead and they're the only one who's opinions really matter. I couldn't pull the trigger. No one wants to see their brother dead, unless you're really fucked up.

Describe your first kiss. Uh, shit. Eighth grade, I think. This chick and I had been dating - in that technical way that eighth graders date, you know - and she was taking the bus home and I decided that I was gonna be cool and kiss her goodbye, right? Well, I leaned in and she leaned away and I just kept right on leaning until she was about to break her back and uh. Well, it wasn't much of a kiss. Girl just didn't have any taste at all - I mean, who wouldn't wanna kiss me?

*application, !ooc

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