(no subject)

Feb 06, 2007 02:53

Things are starting to get better. Ash is out of the hospital, me and Evan are starting to hang out like we used to, and Matt should be up next week. I'm helping Evan ween down and it's actually working. I know he's not gonna be able to do it cold turkey, but at least I'm helping him instead of making it worse. It feels really good to be with my real family. Evan's dad is probably the only positive male influence I've ever had in my life and actually helps me with my problems in a realistic manner. I can talk to him about pretty much anything. I'd do anything for this family; my family.

My GED is coming up soon. Then college. Hope I don't flake out on that. I don't do well with responsiblitys. I could never pull it off if it was just for myself.

My little brother Nathan has been starting to show a decidedly dark streak lately. Some kid laughed at him and he told him he was going to kill him. My parents, of course, blame my drinking and TV. I know, it makes the most sense in the world.

I am pretty happy, lately. Well, at least happier. It's always good to feel needed and useful. And loved. I know, I'm a faggot. I should really start working on cutting back my own habits. More so dealing then using. I need to start school. Boredom just fucking kills my will power.

I wish more friends I haven't seen in a while would hang out. I miss some people. Skippy, Sam and Halla are fun. So isn't Ryan. Call me guys.

P.S. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=25857237
Badass Indie Rock
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