(no subject)

Apr 20, 2006 00:20

spring time is hereeeeeeeeeee

so beautiful for the past few days, basically perfect weather. Not to hot and not to cold. but i do like breezes just sudden bursts of cold air, esp at night time, by the beach, with someone you like, holding hands...awwwwwwwwwwwww...=P

went to the gym, i actually drove to school picked up sis with bro, drove to the gym, parked on the 3rd level cuz i was too scared to crashing, windows down driving home after relaxing workout, did homework (making notes for chem test) outside avec ma frere, inside for some tv and more note making... BTW, ONE TREE HILL...best show ever now, getting sooo into it after keith died. amazing. and now, here i am.

its gonna be a few busy weeks coming up. work work work....

parsons parsons parsons, can't wait to go to nyc. miss mommy n fam n friends, but all is well..come visit!. 
brothers gonna buy me a doggy?
and money money money moneyyyy..i got a 6g award from parsons..doesnt cover much but its something..yay hoping to get more once i hand in my final marks...bro got 9g.booo...w/e it all goes to the same account neways..

yay! WORK
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