17 октября 2008 года

Oct 17, 2008 23:48

Найдены тексты, написанные Катей в 2004 году на курсах английского. Имхо, очаровательно - так бы и поцеловала бы себя пятнадцатилетнюю в лобик.)

Предложения с конструкцией ‘to make someone…”
My homework makes me miserable.
My Internet friends make me smile.
Vladimir Mihajlovich Litvin makes me happy.
Ну и маленькое подобострастное сочинение.
The politician I admire for real is Vladimir Litvin. I admire him because, as for me, he is extremely intelligent and he always knows how to make the sessions of Verchovna Rada more productive. He can make national deputies work for our country and stay charming and polite the same time.
I also like this man because he is not just a gifted politician, but he thinks a lot about his family. I’ve read a lot of his interviews and I was really touched by his words about family - he really thinks that it’s the biggest treasure. I’m really interested in his personality: he enjoys reading, playing football, he’s occupied with several children’s charity funds and his dream is to write a book of Ukrainian modern political history.
So, I consider him the most charming and professional politician ever!
(Орфография и пунктуация сохранены).
Ну разве не сладко?
фотка "самого очаровательного и професcионального" прилагается;)

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