(no subject)

Feb 07, 2030 21:40

Just for Fun

First-- this is a short clip from the first episode, which contains Ginko's most thorough explanation of mushi (because when he's irritable, all you get is "they're hard to see"). If you're wondering what his voice sounds like--a superchill Travis Willingham ftw-- here you go.

image Click to view

Second--I fell in love with Mushishi before I liked anime at all. It was like nothing I'd ever seen-- and although I've been converted to animanga fandom now, I've still never found anything that quite measures up.

I know this series doesn't have NEAR the fan-following it should, so here is a little taste of Ginko's canon in the form of my favorite AMV. Hope it will whet your appetite for more!

image Click to view

A note on honorifics.
Well, THAT sounds unfortunately pretentious...

I haven't studied the Japanese language-- so all I mean by that is an explanation of how Ginko will be using honorifics in RP 'verse, what with the magical mutual understanding-of-tongues.

In canon, Ginko almost always uses "-san", even for highly ranked individuals. This is to mark his separateness from the feudal (or even human) social order. In-game, he will only use "-san" for other characters who are canonly Japanese-- or on rare occasions, "-sama" for gods. If a thread goes on for a long time, I will probably drop the honorific-- just assume he's still using it.

Mun's Journal
AIM: athousandcircles

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