May 11, 2005 18:25
today was rainging! yay! but i didnt get a chance to go out in the rain :( but thats okay. track meet was cancelled cause of the rain (yess) so i came home, did my homework and ive been watching tv and i found some hot pics of bert and gerard lol. OMG CLARE I NEED TO SHOW U THIS ONE PIC OF GERARD OMG ITS SOO HILARIOUS! ITS FROM LIKE WHEN HE WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL I THINK! so remind me to show it to you! and omg i feel so bad for bert! he had this gf and she got pregnent with berts baby and she died! aww! :( (hint hint...berts not gay) SO I HAVE PROVED BERTS NOT GAY. lol so now im done obsessing and telling you useless facts that no one cares about, except me. IM DONE.
saturday shauna and holly i cant wait its gonna be soo much funn!!!!
lost comes on tonight!!!!!! yesss and its a new one, i already checked. this week is goin by pretty fast, so im glad. OMG we have like 22?? days left! this years gone by super de-duper fast! i cant wait for the summer, its gonna be so much funn!
well i g2g bye bye
love you,
~until the day i die, i'll spill my heart for you.~