Aug 16, 2009 08:54
I don't have much to say right now since it's early and I'm about to eat breakfast, but I decided I should at least put something up since I was replying to some comments.
Things are going all right for the moment, save for a few sick people who are suffering from whatever it is that's caught hold of them. Gayle's one of those, although hers has taken a different form for some reason. While Becky, Jason, and others ended up with serious throat pain and fevers, Gayle's just feeling bad all around with occasional, not as serious, throat issues and a tendency toward being either too hot or too cold. Hopefully that will fade soon and she as well as the others will feel better. Penny's throat is bothering her to the point that anything solid going down makes her whimper in pain, so she's getting a lot of broth, ice cream, and such things. It's quite interesting to watch my father take care of her since he's not used to doing that sort of thing.
Since I can't possibly prove myself wrong in my earlier statement by going much longer, I'll go get my breakfast now. I get the feeling there's going to be an amusing show around here before too long, and I don't want to miss that.