Mar 16, 2005 21:11
I'm lyke real bored n I shouldn't go to sleep for another hour. SO, ya all know what that means. I'm gonna write about random stuff. YAY! lol
I've been in a real shitty mood all day, no one/nothing can snap me out of it, not even zach, even tho he did help a little. This whole project thing is freakin crazy. I really don't want to get stuck doing everything. And I know if I work with Miss I was really stupid becuz I shoplifted in Indiana and I'm gonna be convicted of a felony, or Miss, I don't have time for this project cuz I work and have a boyfriend, OR Mr I'm gonna play baseball this weekend, "nikki, how are you and phil?" and i'm gonna talk about everything but the project just because I lyke to hear myself talk, I KNOW I'm gonna end up saying something real bitchy, cuz that's what I do, I keep everything inside til I finally blow up over somethin real stupid. I dislike history SO much. I really do, and I know mrs. g doesn't lyke me either. hmph 9 weeks left.
I feel lyke I've got so much stuff to do, but no time to do it, yet I can sit on the internet for hours at a time doing absolutely nothing. I'm freaking lazy, that's my problem, I'd rather do what makes me happy at the moment, rather than do what will make me happy in the long run. Make sense? eh, what do you care. you probably lost interest after me talking about someone commiting a felony. I unno. I guess everything is getting out of control. I've got the cancer walk, the act/sat and the psae comming up. Lots of other college shit, the play, my room is a disaster, the drama scrap book is calling my name, teri and i have to make double the flowers, i've got a shitload of laundry....... the list continues. I gotta start working on jessica's birthday present too, I have no idea how i'm gonna get that done now, seeing as i'm "forbidden" to speak to my insane grandmother. Which brings me to another point. My grandmother who tore our family apart with her spur of the moment decision to pack her and her mother up and move 4 hours away from her ENTIRE family. My great grandma's condition got much worse after the move, and now she lays in bed pretty much the whole day, hooked up to feeding tubes n other shit, in a half coma and has no idea who anyone is. IT hurts so bad that I never got to spend enough time with her. The last actual conversation I had with her was before I had my first band concert, (yeah i was in band bak in lyke 5th grade) n she was lyke "i wish i could be there..." n then everything started going downhill her alzheimers got much worse, n they put her in a home... I'm gonna stop now cuz I'm lyke on the verge of tears. Its just hard when the person that raised you has no idea who you are and my dad was raised by her his whole life n he doesn't even give a shit, well he doesn't show it. I hate my family I really do.. Except Jake n Toni, they make me smile!!!
I hate when I get lyke this.
Good thoughts: I get to see my 2 favoritest cousins!!! toni and jake! I miss em so flippin much.
SO I did this thing today, I don't know what I was doin tho, and I actually pictured myself being a journalist. Does that mean that's what I'm meant for? It was my first choice since 6th grade... Maybe I should go with my gut. It would be an easy job to work at home when I finally get a family... right?
Anyone know what happened with Scott Peterson? I unno I just got this feeling that he's innocent. I don't know why. Since this whole thing started, I think he didn't do it... If he did do it, that bitch deserves the death penalty killing his unborn son, AND his wife. craziness.
Well I guess I'm done. I'm gonna go read my book now.
Nite ya'll <(*Damn, I'm turning into Zach*)