(no subject)

Nov 04, 2003 15:00

soo... this weekend.. what did i doo.... friday i carved a pumpkin avec lindsay... it was the coooolest pumpkin ever. seriously. :) haha ( it looks like a koala) (wasnt it koala...? no i cant even spell koala!) then we went to my house.. then back to lindsays then i went home and got in my bed. but i was woken up by this chick that i dont know calling me and asking me to hook her up with this boy matt. suuure. saturday there was SAT-ness. really yucky and then i went to krissys. she gave me presents. i was a happy girl. then linz and i went to nats feild hockey game.. there were some crazy fans, we were expecting to get jumped:) [ hoooolllllleeeerrr] then we went to giant and got cookie stuff! yay. then i went to my game.. what fun no really! there was me wearing my black bloomers that are soooo tight.. so every time i was in the air i was showing my ass to the entire football team. [ okay maybe im going overboard, but thats what it felt like] then lindz and i went home and we spoke to my once again drunk parents and then made cookies at her house. we started to watch the shinning but got sidetracked by the outside [ yeah thats me trying to be rebellious]. then we after being artisic decided to go to bed. we eventually woke up and i did community service because im nice... i love helping. and it makes me sooo happy inside. then britt and i went to the g-rents to look at homecoming pics. they were pretty. we all look nice together.

okay well im odering food now!
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