†002. [backdated to 6/15/11: 9:00AM || video/action for cherrygrove]

Jun 17, 2011 01:35

[The video clicks on to Ys' smiling face.] I've made it to Cherrygrove. That took longer than expected. [Pause. He's been here two days.]

I noticed that people have been naming their pokemon. [He tilts the camera so a Sneasel can be seen. She doesn't wave so much as glare stubbornly at the camera.] This is Freya. I have a pidgey, too, but I can't think of a name. Any suggestions?

[End feed.]

[Ys has become acquainted with the town of Cherrygrove. It was bigger than New Bark Town, but not by much. The residents are not of much use for information purposes; his Pokegear has taught him more than they had. The communication was interesting to read, at least. Most of his questions had been answered second hand.

He's stopped by the Poke Center a time or two, when Freya was too badly hurt to continue to battle. Ys has found the pidgey useless but for chasing off lower levels. It didn't even know how to 'Fly': it needed to be taught; how bothersome.

Freya continues to follow him like a black sheep after a dream; sometimes, he even forgets she is there.

His clothing is threadworn, and there are dark circles under his eyes as if he hasn't been sleeping well (if at all). This 'roughing it' does not agree with him. Ys can be found in the lobby of the Poke Center for the next three days. The Murkrow and Houndour haven't been bothering him. Yet.]

access: open, (kaname madoka), (lacus clyne), location: cherrygrove, type: video, (nai), (cruz schild)

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